



系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
XELE 1101 系统错误 System error
XELE 1126 价格超出范围 Price out of range
XELE 1128 报单价格不是最小变动价位的正整数倍 Order price is not an integer multiple of the minimum price fluctuation
XELE 1129 卖价必须大于买价 The selling price should be greater than the purchase price
XELE 1132 单笔手数过大 The number of single hands is too large
XELE 1133 当日用户报单编号错误 开启用户编号校验后,编号未保持递增 OrderLocalNo error during the trading day After enabling the OrderLocalNo verification function, the OrderLocalNo did not maintain an increasing order
XELE 1134 合约不正确 The contract is incorrect
XELE 1135 无效的报单组 Invalid OrderGroupID
XELE 1136 前置优先级设置过于频繁 Frequent setChannelPriorities request
XELE 1137 前置优先级参数错误 Invalid channelPriorities parameters
XELE 1138 当前账户没有权限或交易前置模式不支持设置 current investor hasn't been authorized or channelMode doesn't support
XELE 1141 无法识别的报文 msg_type非法 Unrecognized messages Illegal msg_type
XELE 1147 当前客户未开通RCMAS权限 current investor hasn't been assigned RCAMS right
XELE 1148 组合字段错误 Invalid ComPosition parameters
XELE 1149 报单数量超过柜台容量 No such order or order table full
XELE 1160 RULE模型不支持传统组合业务 Original combination rules are not allowed in RULE
XELE 1168 该投资者或客户账号被限制交易 两种情况下触发:
Xele-Trade restrict to trade Triggered in two cases:
1. Investors are prohibited when the trading switch is turned on
2. When the sub-account security limit order switch is turned on
XELE 1172 请求中的报单编号不存在 撤单请求中OrderSysId系统中不存在 No such order Order number in the declaration is wrong
XELE 1173 报价找不到 顶指定报价单时旧报价编号不存在、新旧报价合约或客户编号不一致 Quotes cannot be found
XELE 1175 该合约多头持仓数量超过限制 Exceeding the contract's long position amount limitation
XELE 1176 该合约空头持仓数量超过限制 Exceeding the contract's short position amount limitation
XELE 1177 持仓不足 Exceeding the available positions
XELE 1179 可用资金量小于该笔报单保证金 Account balance less than margin of the order
XELE 1181 该合约撤单次数超过限制 Exceeding the contract's cancel amount limitation
XELE 1182 该品种撤单次数超过限制 Exceeding the product's cancel amount limitation
XELE 1183 该品种多头持仓数量超过限制 Exceeding the product's long position amount limitation
XELE 1184 该品种空头持仓数量超过限制 Exceeding the product's short position amount limitation
XELE 1185 该合约撤单超过大额报撤单笔数限制 Exceeding Client's instrument large order cancellation limit
XELE 1186 该合约的委托价格超过偏离度范围 The price is not within the reasonable degree of deviation scope
XELE 1187 信息量超过上限 The message amount is exceeding the upper limit
XELE 1189 报单操作标志字段不在枚举范围 1.报单操作时,ActionFlag字段值不是枚举的0、1、2时会触发(0:删除,1:挂起,2:激活)
Action flag of order field is out of the enumeration range 1. Reporting operation, the ActionFlag field value is not 0,1,  2 enumerated (0: delete: 1: suspend, 2: activate)
2. When the member unit hangs the activation risk control and is closed, the investor will trigger the suspension activation operation
XELE 1198 报单已经撤销或成交或为错单 Order has been withdrawn or fulfilled or is a wrong order
XELE 1203 该合约报单开仓成交手数超过限制 Exceeding the contract's open position amount limitation
XELE 1204 该品种报单开仓成交手数超过限制 Exceeding the product's open position amount limitation
XELE 1205 同月份期权合约多头持仓数量超过限制 The amount of long positions exceeds upper limit
XELE 1206 同月份期权合约空头持仓数量超过限制 The amount of short positions exceeds upper limit
XELE 1207 报单手数小于最小成交量 IOC-MV最小成交量小于等于0或报单手数小于最小成交量 Volume total original less than min volume The minimum trading volume of IOC-MV is less than or equal to 0, or the order quantity is less than the minimum trading volume
XELE 1210 不允许开仓 Open all disallowed
XELE 1211 报文与交易所前置不匹配 1.client_index与合约不匹配;
The message does not match the exchange 1.client_index does not match the contract;
2. The contract does not match the exchange;
3. The contract does not match the contract index.
XELE 1215 用户未登录 Not Logged In
XELE 1217 错误的用户编码 clientindex错误,无回报,
Error in the user encoding clientindex error, no return, client unaware
XELE 1218 标志字段填写错误 请求中的字段枚举值填写错误 Incorrect Order flag Illegal flag value was found on the order when inserting the order(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
XELE 1219 报单类型错误 insert_type枚举值非法 Error of form type Illegal insert_type enumeration value
XELE 1220 指定交易前置不存在 报单字段错误:指定交易前置枚举值非法 The specified exchange does not exist Order Field Error: Specified exchange  value is illegal not exist
XELE 1221 通配符使用错误 支持通配符的字段不符合支持的通配符规则 Wildcard usage error The wildcard-supported field does not conform to the supported wildcard rules
XELE 1222 手数不正确 udp请求中中手数为0或上期所报价双边数量不一致 Incorrect volume field The number of hands in the udp report is 0 or Incorrect
XELE 1226 触发自成交检测 Trigger the self-transaction detection
XELE 1227 密码不符合复杂度要求 密码长度不在6-12之间或字符不在允许的范围内 The password does not meet the complexity requirements Password length is not between 6-12 and characters are not within the permitted range
XELE 1996 柜台不支持 柜台不支持该业务或指令 The trading counter does not support it The trading counter does not support this business or instruction
XELE 1997 交易所不支持 交易所不支持该业务或指令 The exchange does not support The exchange does not support this business or instruction
XELE 1998 风控处理异常 风控模块处理超时或异常 Abnormal risk control Risk control module handles a timeout or an exception
XELE 1999 错误的令牌 报单字段token错误,无回报,客户端无感知 Error token Report the single field token error, no return, the client has no perception
XELE 2004 前置不可用 1、席位未连接或未登录
Your selected seat is not available
XELE 2009 报文域错误 Invalid Protocol Field
XELE 2012 资金账号或密码错误 登录时资金账号或密码填写错误 Incorrect accountID or password AccountID or password filling error logging in
XELE 2014 该链接已有用户登录 不同账户同一TCP登录 User logged Different accounts will login with the same TCP
XELE 2018 上次指令未完成 上次一键撤单指令未处理完成 The previous instruction was not completed The instruction to cancel all orders from the previous session was not fully processed
XELE 2019 系统未初始化完成 The system has not been initialized
XELE 2021 用户尚未登录 User hasn’t logged in yet
XELE 2022 该投资者或客户账号被限制登录 Xele-Trade restrict to Login
XELE 2023 资金账号或密码错误 资金账号或密码填写错误或API更换accountid未重新初始化 Incorrect accountID or password AccountID or password filling in error
XELE 2031 客户端断开连接 Client Disconnected
XELE 2032 无效的交易所编码 Invalid ExchangeID
XELE 2033 报单状态未知 Order state unknown
XELE 2034 交易所API: 网络连接失败 Exchange API network failure
XELE 2035 交易所API: 未处理请求超过许可数 Exchange API unprocessed requests exceed
XELE 2036 交易所API: 每秒发送请求数超过许可数 Exchange API request sent per sec exceed
XELE 2037 交易所API: 其它 Exchange API others
XELE 2038 错误的授权码 Error anthenticate code
XELE 2039 不兼容的API版本 请联系技术支持或期货公司获取对应的API接口 API incompatible Please contact the technical support or futures company for the corresponding API interface
XELE 2040 报单地址信息与报单方式不匹配 Incorrect server endpoint under your selected type of trading protocol type
XELE 2041 用户登录数量超过限制 同投资者最多登录5次 The number of user login is exceeded The same investor can log in up to 5 times
XELE 2049 重复登录 同一个账户不同TCP或同一TCP登录 Duplicate login The same account has a different TCP or the same TCP login
XELE 2058 看穿式监管信息校验错误 非root用户或采集指令返回错误,可见常见问题答疑 See through type supervision information check error Non-root user or acquisition instruction returns an error,frequently asked questions are availablef
XELE 2059 超过并发投资者数量限制 Exceeding the concurrent investor limit
XELE 8000 未知错误 柜台处理异常等未知情况 Unknown error Counter handling of abnormal unknown situation


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
XELE -10001 传入参数无效 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidParameter
XELE -10002 方法暂不支持 ERRXTFAPI_NotSupported
XELE -10003 资源未找到 ERRXTFAPI_NotFound
XELE -10004 内存不足 ERRXTFAPI_NoMemory
XELE -12004 TCP 发送数据不完整 ERRXTFAPI_TcpSendPartialData
XELE -11001 账户不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidAccount
XELE -11002 密码不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidPassword
XELE -11003 应用 ID 不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidAppID
XELE -11004 授权码不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidAuthCode
XELE -11005 交易服务 IP 地址不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidTradeIP
XELE -11006 交易服务端口不能为 0 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidTradePort
XELE -11007 查询服务 IP 地址不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidQueryIP
XELE -11008 查询服务端口不能为 0 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidQueryPort
XELE -12311 TCP 连接被拒绝 ERRXTFAPI_TcpConnectionRefused
XELE -14001 FTD 数据报无效 ERRXTFAPI_FtdInvalidPacket
XELE -14002 FTD 数据报长度为 0 ERRXTFAPI_FtdZeroLength
XELE -14003 FTD 数据报解析缓冲区空间不足 ERRXTFAPI_FtdBufferNoMemory
XELE -14004 FTD 数据报缓冲区无效 ERRXTFAPI_FtdBufferInvalid
XELE -14005 FTD 数据报缓冲区分配空间过大 ERRXTFAPI_FtdBufferTooLarge
XELE -14101 FTD 数据报解析失败 ERRXTFAPI_FtdDecodeFailed
XELE -15004 解压缓冲区不能为空 ERRXTFAPI_UnzipBufferEmpty
XELE -15005 解压缓冲区分配空间过大 ERRXTFAPI_UnzipBufferTooLarge
XELE -15006 解压失败 ERRXTFAPI_UnzipFailed
XELE -15007 正在处理流水数据解压 ERRXTFAPI_UnzipInProgress
XELE -16001 同步函数正在执行中 ERRXTFAPI_FunctionNotFinished
XELE -20002 无效的会话实现 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidImp
XELE -20001 无效的 SPI 回调对象 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidSpi
XELE -20004 API 未启动 ERRXTFAPI_NotStarted
XELE -20005 API 未登录 ERRXTFAPI_NotLoggedIn
XELE -20006 API 重复初始化 ERRXTFAPI_RepeatInit
XELE -20007 API 重复启动 ERRXTFAPI_RepeatStart
XELE -20008 API 重复停止 ERRXTFAPI_RepeatStop
XELE -20009 API 重复登录 ERRXTFAPI_RepeatLogin
XELE -20010 API 重复登出 ERRXTFAPI_RepeatLogout
XELE -20011 错误的数据类型 ERRXTFAPI_WrongDataType
XELE -20014 TCP 重连已达最大次数 ERRXTFAPI_RetryMaxCount
XELE -20015 当前账户不能变更 ERRXTFAPI_AccountChanged
XELE -20016 数据流水追平失败 ERRXTFAPI_CatchupFailed
XELE -20017 数据报序列号不连续 ERRXTFAPI_SequenceNotContinuous
XELE -20020 没有找到会话 ERRXTFAPI_SessionNotFound
XELE -21001 报单无效 ERRXTFAPI_OrderInvalid
XELE -21002 报单创建失败 ERRXTFAPI_OrderCreateFailed
XELE -21003 报单已存在 ERRXTFAPI_OrderExisted
XELE -21004 报单没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_OrderNotFound
XELE -21005 报单数量超过最大允许范围 ERRXTFAPI_OrderCountExceeded
XELE -21006 报单状态不允许撤单 ERRXTFAPI_OrderStatusNotAllowedCancel
XELE -21007 只允许撤销 GFD 报单 ERRXTFAPI_OnlyGFDOrderAllowedCancel
XELE -21008 OrderFlag 不支持当前设定值 ERRXTFAPI_OrderFlagNotSupported
XELE -21009 OrderType 不支持当前设定值 ERRXTFAPI_OrderTypeNotSupported
XELE -21011 无效的行权/对冲报单 ERRXTFAPI_ExecOrderInvalid
XELE -21012 行权/对冲报单创建失败 ERRXTFAPI_ExecOrderCreateFailed
XELE -21013 行权/对冲报单已存在 ERRXTFAPI_ExecOrderExisted
XELE -21014 行权/对冲报单没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_ExecOrderNotFound
XELE -23011 无效的 HedgeFlag ERRXTFAPI_InvalidHedgeFlag
XELE -23001 无效的合约 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidInstrument
XELE -23002 合约创建失败 ERRXTFAPI_InstrumentCreateFailed
XELE -23004 合约没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_InstrumentNotFound
XELE -24001 无效的品种 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidProduct
XELE -24002 品种创建失败 ERRXTFAPI_ProductCreateFailed
XELE -24004 品种没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_ProductNotFound
XELE -25002 品种组创建失败 ERRXTFAPI_ProductGroupCreateFailed
XELE -25004 品种组没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_ProductGroupNotFound
XELE -27001 无效的交易所 ERRXTFAPI_InvalidExchange
XELE -27004 交易所没有找到 ERRXTFAPI_ExchangeNotFound
XELE 1001 用户主动关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByUser
XELE 1002 超时关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByTimeout
XELE 1003 发送错误后关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedBySendError
XELE 1004 接收错误后关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByRecvError
XELE 1010 登录失败后关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByLoginError
XELE 1011 登出失败后关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByLogoutError
XELE 1012 流水数据解压处理错误后关闭 ERRXTFAPI_ClosedByZipStreamError


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
上期所/能源中心 1 会话不正确 在各项操作中发现会话不合法 Incorrect dialogue Illegal dialogue was found in each operation
上期所/能源中心 2 合约找不到 插入报单、报价、OTC报单或者执行宣告时,找不到合约 Contract cannot be found Contract cannot be found when inserting order, quote, OTC order or executing the declaration
上期所/能源中心 3 会员找不到 在各项操作中发现会员找不到 Member cannot be found Member cannot be found in each operation
上期所/能源中心 4 客户找不到 在各项操作中发现客户找不到 Client cannot be found Client cannot be found in each operation
上期所/能源中心 6 报单字段错误 插入报单时,发现报单中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界)

Incorrect Order field Illegal field value was found on the order when inserting the order(out-of-range of the enumerated value)

Forced closing-out reasons was set in non-forced closing-out order when inserting the order
上期所/能源中心 7 报价字段错误 插入报价时,发现报价中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Erroneous quote field Illegal field value was found in the quote when inserting the quote(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
上期所/能源中心 8 报单操作字段错误 报单操作时,发现报单操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Incorrect field in order operation Illegal field value was found in the order operation at the time of order operation(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
上期所/能源中心 9 报价操作字段错误 报价操作时,发现报价操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Incorrect field in quote operation Illegal field value was found in the quote operation at the time of quote operation(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
上期所/能源中心 12 重复的报单 插入报单或者非标准组合报单时,本地报单号重复 duplicate order Local order No. was duplicate when inserting order or non-standard portfolio order.
上期所/能源中心 13 重复的报价 插入报价时,本地报价号重复 duplicate quote Local quote No. was duplicate when inserting quote.
上期所/能源中心 15 客户没有在该会员开户 在各项操作时,发现指定的客户并没有在指定的会员中开户 Client didn’t open an account at this member It was fount during each operation that the designated client didn’t open an account at the designated member.
上期所/能源中心 16 IOC需在连续交易阶段 在非连续交易阶段企图插入IOC单 IOC to be conducted in continuous trade session. Attempt to insert IOC order during continuous trade session.
上期所/能源中心 17 GFA需在集合竞价阶段 在非集合竞价阶段企图插入GFA的报单 GFA to be conducted in call auction session Attempt to insert GFA order during non-call-auction session.
上期所/能源中心 18 市价单不能排队 在插入市价单时,发现时间条件不是IOC Market price orders are unable to queue It was found in inserting market order that time conditions are not IOC
上期所/能源中心 19 数量约束应在IOC单上 在插入数量约束不是任意数量的报单时,发现时间条件不是IOC Quantity restriction shall be put on IOC It was found in inserting the order with a quantity restriction of non- arbitrary quantity that time conditions are not IOC
上期所/能源中心 20 GTD报单过期了 在插入GTD报单时,发现GTD日期已经过期了 GTD order had expired It was found in inserting the GTD order that GTD data had expired.
上期所/能源中心 21 最小数量大于报单数量 在插入有最小数量条件的报单时,发现最小数量大于报单数量 The Min. number exceeds the number of order It was found in inserting the order with a Min. number requirement that the Min. number exceeds the number of order.
上期所/能源中心 22 交易所数据没有同步 进行各类业务操作时,发现交易所的数据还没有同步 The Exchange’s data is not in the synchronized state It was found during operation of each business that the Exchange’s data is not in the synchronized state.
上期所/能源中心 23 结算组数据没有同步 进行各类业务操作时,发现结算组的数据还没有同步 The settlement group’s data is not in the synchronized date It was found during operation of each business that the settlement group’s data is not in the synchronized state.
上期所/能源中心 24 报单找不到 进行报单操作时,发现要操作的报单找不到 Order cannot be found It was found during order operation that order to be operated cannot be found.
上期所/能源中心 25 报价找不到 进行报价操作时,发现要操作的报价找不到 Quote cannot be found It was found during quote operation that quote to be operated cannot be found.
上期所/能源中心 26 当前状态禁止此项操作 在插入报单时,发现合约交易状态不是连续交易、集合竞价报单或者集合竞价平衡
This operation is prohibited by current state It was found in inserting the order that the contract’s trading status is not the continuous trade, call auction order or call auction balancing
At the time of order operation, it was found in activation operation that the contract’s trading status is not the continuous trade, call auction order or call auction balancing;
As to other operations:
It was found in non-administrative user that the contract’s trading status is not the continuous trade or call auction order;
As for administrative user:
It was found in order cancellation or order suspension that the contract’s trading status is “closed”;
It was found in other operations that the contract’s trading status is not the continuous trade or call auction order.
When inserting OTC order, it was found that the contract’s trading status is not continuous trade.
上期所/能源中心 27 不合法的合约状态迁移 在切换合约交易状态时,发现此迁移不符合交易状态迁移规定 Illegal contract state migration It was found in switching the contract’s trading status that this migration doesn’t comply with regulations on contract state migration.
上期所/能源中心 28 报单已经全部成交 在报单操作时,发现报单已经全部成交了 Order has been fulfilled. It was found during order operation that order has been fulfilled.
上期所/能源中心 29 报单已经撤销 在报单操作时,发现报单已经撤销了 Order has been cancelled It was found during order operation that order has been cancelled.
上期所/能源中心 31 平仓时客户持仓不足 在各类可能造成平仓的操作时,发现客户的持仓不足 The client’s open interest is insufficient at the time of closing-out It was found during each operation that may cause closing out that client’s open interest is insufficient.
上期所/能源中心 32 超出客户限仓 在各类可能开仓操作时,发现超过了客户的投机限仓 Exceeding client’s position limit It was found during each operation that is likely to open a position that it has exceeded client’s speculative position.
上期所/能源中心 34 超出会员限仓 在各类可能开仓操作时,发现超过了会员限仓 Exceeding member’s position limit It was found during each operation that is likely to open a position that it has exceeded member’s position limit.
上期所/能源中心 35 找不到帐号 在各类操作时,发现找不到该操作应当使用的帐号 Account cannot be found It was found during each operation that the account shall be used for such operation cannot be found.
上期所/能源中心 36 资金不足 在各类操作时,发现帐号中没有足够的资金 Inadequate capital It was found during each operation that there is no sufficient capital in the account.
上期所/能源中心 37 不合法的数量 在插入报单、报单操作、插入OTC报单和报单操作时,数量不是最小报单数量要求的正整数倍,或者超过最大报单数量 Illegal quantity During order entry, order operation, OTC order entry and order operation, the number of order is not the positive integral multiple as required by the Min. number of order or exceeds the Max. number of order
上期所/能源中心 45 结算组初始化状态不对 在用户登录时,发现没有任何一个结算组数据已经完成过同步 The settlement group’s initialization state is not correct. It was found during user login that none of settlement group’ data has achieved synchronization.
上期所/能源中心 48 价格非最小单位的倍数 在各类操作时,价格不是合约的最小变动单位的整数倍 The price is not the integral multiple of the Min. unit It was found during each operation that price is not the integral mutiple of the contract’s tick size.
上期所/能源中心 49 价格超出涨停板 在各类操作时,价格高于合约的涨停板 Price exceeds the upward limit It was found during each operation that the price is higher than the contract’s upward price limit.
上期所/能源中心 50 价格跌破跌停板 在各类操作时,价格低于合约的跌停板 Price exceeds the downward limit It was found during each operation that the price is lower than the contract’s downward price limit.
上期所/能源中心 51 没有交易权限 在进行各类操作时,发现会员对指定合约、或者客户对指定的合约、或者交易员没有的交易权限 Not authorized to trade It was found during each operation that member is not authorized to trade in the designated contract, or client is not authorized to trade in the designated contract, or trader is not authorized to trade.
上期所/能源中心 52 只能平仓 在进行各类可能造成开仓的操作时,发现会员对指定合约、或者客户对指定的合约、或者交易员只有平仓的权限 Only can close out position It was found during each operation that may result in an opening of position that member only has the right to close out the designated contract, or client only has the right close out the designated contract, or trader only has the right close out a position.
上期所/能源中心 53 没有此项交易角色 在插入报单、插入OTC报单或插入组合报单时,该会员在指定合约上不具有该客户对应的交易角色 No such trading role It was found in inserting the order, inserting the OTC order or inserting portfolio order that on the designated contract, this member doesn’t have the trading role corresponding to such client.
上期所/能源中心 57 不能为其他会员操作 在各项操作中,发现用户给非其所属的会员进行操作 Operation shall not be conducted by other members It was found during each operation that user conduct operation on behalf member to whom he is not subordinate.
上期所/能源中心 58 用户不匹配 在各项操作时,发现操作的用户和会话的用户不匹配 Unmatched user It was found during each operation that user for operation doesn’t match with user for dialogue.
上期所/能源中心 59 用户重复登录 在用户登录时,发现此用户已经登录过了 duplicate login by user It was found during user’s login that this user has already logged into the system.
上期所/能源中心 60 用户名或口令错误 在用户登录或者修改口令时,发现用户名找不到或者口令错误 Incorrect username or password It was found during user’s login or password modification that username cannot be found or password is incorrect.
上期所/能源中心 62 用户不活跃 在用户登录时,发现该用户不活跃 User is not active It was found during user’s login that this user is not active
上期所/能源中心 64 用户不属于此会员 在用户登录时,发现用户不属于指定的会员 User doesn’t belong to this member It was found during user’s login that user doesn’t belong to the designated member.
上期所/能源中心 65 错误的登录IP地址 在用户登录时,发现用户的IP地址不合法 Incorrect IP address for login It was found during user’s login that user’ IP address is illegal.
上期所/能源中心 67 并没有以此用户登录 在用户登出时,发现用户并不是以此用户登录的 Didn’t log in using this user It was found during user’s login that user didn’t log in using this user.
上期所/能源中心 66 用户尚未登录 在各项操作中,发现用户尚未登录 User hasn’t logged in yet It was found during each operation that user hasn’t logged in yet.
上期所/能源中心 68 并没有以此会员登录 在用户登出、强制用户登出或者修改口令时,发现用户并不是以此会员登录的 Didn’t log in using this member It was found during user logout, forced user logout or modification to password that user didn’t log in using this member.
上期所/能源中心 70 报价已经被取消 在报价操作时,发现报价已经被取消了 Quote has been cancelled It was found during quote operation that quote has been cancelled.
上期所/能源中心 72 不允许自然人开仓 自然人不允许对临近交割月合约开仓 Individual customers cannot open positions Individual customers cannot open positions on the instruments nearly close to delivery month
上期所/能源中心 76 报单已经被挂起 在报单挂起时,发现报单已经被挂起了 Order has been suspended It was found during suspension of order that order has already been suspended.
上期所/能源中心 77 报单已经被激活 在报单激活时,发现报单已经被激活了 Order has been activated It was found during activation of order that order has already been activate.
上期所/能源中心 78 GTD报单没有设定日期 在插入GTD报单时,没有指定GTD日期 Date is not set on GTD order It was found in inserting GTD order that GTD date hasn’t been designated.
上期所/能源中心 79 不被支持的报单类型 在插入各类报单时,发现目前本交易所还不支持此种报单类型 Unsupported order type It was found in inserting various orders that this trade at this moment doesn’t support this order type.
上期所/能源中心 80 用户无此权限 使用普通用户,进行各项需要管理用户才能进行的操作 User is not authorized to do so Use ordinary user to conduct each operation that only can be conducted by administrative user.
上期所/能源中心 83 止损单仅用于连续交易 在非连续交易阶段企图插入止损单 Stop-loss order is used for continuous trade only Attempt to insert stop-loss order during non-continuous trading session.
上期所/能源中心 84 止损单需是IOC或GFD 在插入止损单时,发现时间条件既不是IOC,也不是GFD Stop-loss order is required to be IOC or GFD It was found in inserting stop-loss order that time condition is neither IOC nor GFD
上期所/能源中心 89 执行宣告字段错误 插入执行宣告时,发现执行宣告中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Incorrect execution declaration field illegal field value was found in execution declaration when inserting declaration(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
上期所/能源中心 90 执行宣告操作字段错误 执行宣告操作时,发现执行宣告操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Incorrect field in execution declaration operation illegal field value was found in execution declaration operation when operating declaration(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
上期所/能源中心 91 重复的执行宣告 插入执行宣告时,本地执行宣告编号重复 duplicate execution declaration At the time of inserting execution declaration, local execution declaration No. is duplicate.
上期所/能源中心 92 执行宣告已经取消 在执行宣告操作时,发现执行宣告已经取消了 Execution declaration has been cancelled It was found during execution declaration operation that declaration has already been cancelled.
上期所/能源中心 93 执行宣告找不到 进行执行宣告操作时,发现要操作的执行宣告找不到 Execution declaration cannot be found It was found during execution declaration operation that
上期所/能源中心 94 执行宣告只能用于期权 插入执行宣告时,发现合约是非期权合约 to-be-operated declaration cannot be found When inserting an execution order, it was discovered that the contract is a non-option contract
上期所/能源中心 95 止损报单需说明止损价 在插入止损单时,发现没有指定止损价 Execution declaration can only be used for option It was found in inserting the execution declaration that the contract is non-option contract
上期所/能源中心 96 保值额度不足 在各类可能开仓操作时,发现客户的套期保值额度不足 The stop-loss price shall be specified on stop-loss order It was found in inserting stop-loss order that stop-loss price is not specified
上期所/能源中心 97 重复的操作 报单操作、报价操作或者执行宣告操作时,本地操作号重复 Insufficient hedge quota It was found during each operation that is likely to open a position that client’s hedge quota is insufficient
上期所/能源中心 99 不能为其他用户操作 在报单操作时,发现非授权用户企图操作同会员的其他用户插入的报单 duplicate operation At the time of order operation, quote operation or execution declaration operation, the local operation No. is duplicate.
上期所/能源中心 100 错误的用户类型 在交易员登录时,发现用户类型是行情用户 Operation cannot be conducted by other users It was found during order operation that the unauthorized user attempt to operate the order inserted by other users of the same member.
上期所/能源中心 103 当日套保仓位不能平仓 企图对套保仓位进行插入平今仓报单 Incorrect user type It was found during trader’s login that the user type is quotation user
上期所/能源中心 104 不明管理指令 在收到管理指令时,无法认出指令类型 Hedge position on that day cannot be closed out Attempt to insert the order for closing out today’s position into hedge position
上期所/能源中心 106 重复的会话 在同一个会话上发起两次登录 Unknown administration command. Upon the receipt of administration command, the command type cannot be recognized.
上期所/能源中心 114 最优价单不能排队 在插入最优价单时,发现时间条件不是IOC The best price orders are unable to queue It was found in inserting the best price order that time condition is not IOC
上期所/能源中心 121 放弃执行宣告字段错误 插入放弃执行宣告时,发现放弃执行宣告中有字段不合法 Erroneous abandonment execution declaration field Illegal field value was found in the abandonment execution declaration when inserting the declaration
上期所/能源中心 122 放弃执行宣告操作字段错误 放弃执行宣告操作时,发现放弃执行宣告操作中有字段不合法 Erroneous abandonment execution declaration operation field Illegal field value was found in the abandonment execution declaration at the time of abandonment execution declaration operation
上期所/能源中心 123 重复的放弃执行宣告 插入执行宣告时,本地执行宣告编号重复 duplicate abandonment execution declaration local execution declaration No. was duplicate when inserting execution declaration.
上期所/能源中心 124 放弃执行宣告已经取消 在放弃执行宣告操作时,发现执行宣告已经取消了 abandonment execution declaration cancelled abandonment execution declaration has been cancelled at the time of abandonment execution declaration operation
上期所/能源中心 125 放弃执行宣告找不到 进行放弃执行宣告操作时,发现要操作的放弃执行宣告找不到 abandonment execution declaration cannot be found abandonment execution declaration cannot be found at the time of abandonment execution declaration operation
上期所/能源中心 126 放弃执行宣告只能用于期权 插入放弃执行宣告时,发现合约是非期权合约 abandonment execution declaration can only be used in futures option the contract is non-option contract when inserting the abandonment execution declaration
上期所/能源中心 127 不在宣告期内 插入执行宣告或者放弃执行宣告时,发现不在限定的期限内 not in declaration period execution declaration is not in definitive period when insert or abandonment execution declaration
上期所/能源中心 128 只有持有多头仓位才能放弃行权 期权卖方不允许放弃行权 option exercise can only be abandoned for long position call seller is not allowed to abandon exercising options
上期所/能源中心 129 执行或放弃执行宣告不能为开仓 插入执行宣告或者放弃执行宣告时,发现开平仓标记是开仓 execution declaration or abandonment execution declaration cannot be open position flag of open or closing position is open position when inserting or abandonment execution declaration
上期所/能源中心 130 没有足够的持仓用于申请保留 期权卖方申请行权后保留期货头寸时,申请头寸数超过了其持仓数 insuffent posiont for reservation application call seller’s position for application exceeds holding position when call seller apply for position reservation after option exercised
上期所/能源中心 131 超出客户合约当日开仓限额 客户在某个合约上当日开仓手数 Exceeding Client’s Day Trading Limit in Contract Opening Client’s Day Trading Volume in a Contract Opening
上期所/能源中心 132 超出客户产品每秒报单限额 客户在某个产品上一秒以内的报单笔数超出限额 Exceeding Client’s Product Order per Second Limit Client’s Order Quantity Exceeding Limit in One Second on a Product
上期所/能源中心 133 超出客户产品每秒撤单限额 客户在某个产品上一秒以内的撤单笔数超出限额 Exceeding Client’s Product Order Cancellation per Second Limit Client’s Cancellation Quantity Exceeding Limit in One Second on a Product
上期所/能源中心 134 API校验未通过 使用了非正式渠道发布的API库 API Verification Failed API Library Released through Informal Channels
上期所/能源中心 135 用户认证失败 开发者软件未经过交易所审核认证 User Authentication Failed Developer Software not Authenticated by Exchange Review
上期所/能源中心 136 用户没有权限直连前置 只能通过Fens服务器获得前置地址的用户使用了直接连接模式 User does not have permission to directly connect to gateway User who can only obtain gateway address through Fens server uses direct connection mode
上期所/能源中心 137 期权自对冲字段错误 期权自对冲更新中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Option Self-Hedge Field Error Invalid value for field in option self-hedge update (out of range for enumeration)
上期所/能源中心 138 期权自对冲操作字段错误 期权自对冲操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Option Self-Hedge Operation Field Error Invalid field value in option self-hedge operation (out of range for enumeration)
上期所/能源中心 139 重复的期权自对冲更新 期权自对冲更新中的本地期权自对冲编号重复 Duplicate Option Self-Hedge Update Duplicate local option self-hedge ID in option self-hedge update
上期所/能源中心 140 期权自对冲更新已经撤销 要操作的期权自对冲更新已经取消 The option self-hedge update has been cancelled The option self-hedge update you are trying to execute has been cancelled
上期所/能源中心 141 期权自对冲更新只能用于期权 期权自对冲更新中的合约是非期权合约 Option self-hedge update can only be used for options The contract in the option self-hedge update is a non-option contract
上期所/能源中心 142 期权自对冲找不到 要操作的期权自对冲更新没有找到 I cannot find the option self-hedge update The option self-hedge update you are trying to execute was not found
上期所/能源中心 143 期权自对冲操作只能是删除 期权自对冲操作的操作类型错误 Option self-hedge update operation can only be deleting The operation type for option self-hedge update is incorrect
上期所/能源中心 144 此客户SelfCloseFlag不能为保留期权仓位 期权自对冲更新中的SelfCloseFlag和客户类型不匹配 The SelfCloseFlag for this customer cannot be set as Reserve Option Position The SelfCloseFlag in the option self-hedge update does not match the customer type
上期所/能源中心 145 此客户SelfCloseFlag不能为自对冲期权仓位 期权自对冲更新中的SelfCloseFlag和客户类型不匹配 The SelfCloseFlag for this customer cannot be set as Option Self-Hedge Position The SelfCloseFlag in the option self-hedge update does not match the customer type
上期所/能源中心 146 只有持有多头仓位才能行权 只有期权买方才能提交执行宣告录入请求 Only long positions can be exercised Only the options buyer can submit an exercise notification
上期所/能源中心 147 用户新密码不符合要求(长度不低于8位,必须包含数字、大写字母和小写字母) 用户修改新新密码,必须要符合要求,即长度不低于8位,必须包含数字、大写字母和小写字母。 The new password does not meet the requirements (must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter) The new password must meet the requirements, which means it must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter
上期所/能源中心 148 当前市场价格在合理的价差范围内,不用询价。 当前市场价格如果在合理的价差范围内,客户的询价是不会发送给做市商的,即客户的询价是无意义的。 The current market price is within a reasonable spread range, no inquiry is necessary If the current market price is within a reasonable spread range, the customer inquiry will not be sent to the market maker, which means the customer inquiry is meaningless
上期所/能源中心 149 放弃执行宣告申请只能在期权到期日提交 只有在期权的到期日,才能提交对应期权的放弃执行宣告事情。 The request for revoking an order can only be submitted on the expiration date of the option The request for revoking an exercise notice can only be submitted on the expiration date of the corresponding option
上期所/能源中心 150 自营会员登陆前未认证或认证失败 自营会员只有在终端信息经过认证后才能进行登陆。 Non-verified or failed verification for self-registered members before login Self-registered members can only log in after their terminal information has been authenticated


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
中金所 10001 会话不正确 在各项操作中发现会话不合法 Incorrect dialogue The session was found to be illegal in the various operations
中金所 10002 合约找不到 插入报单、报价、OTC 报单或者执行宣告时,找不到合约 Contract cannot be found No contract can be found when inserting a declaration, quotation, OTC declaration, or executing a declaration
中金所 10003 会员找不到 在各项操作中发现会员找不到 Member cannot be found Members were not found to be found in various operations
中金所 10004 客户找不到 在各项操作中发现客户找不到 Client cannot be found Customer was not found in various operations
中金所 10006 报单字段错误 报单中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界)或发现非强平单中设置了强平原因 Incorrect Order field Illegal field value was found on the order when inserting the order(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
中金所 10007 报价字段错误 插入报价时,发现报价中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Quotation field error When inserting a quote, find illegal field values in the quote (enumeration bounds)
中金所 10008 报单操作字段错误 报单操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Incorrect field in order operation Illegal field value was found in the order operation at the time of order operation(out-of-range of the enumerated value)
中金所 10009 报价操作字段错误 报价操作时,发现报价操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Quote operation field error During quotation operation, illegal field value is found in quotation operation (enumeration value is crossed)
中金所 10012 重复的报单 插入报单或者非标准组合报单时,本地报单号重复 duplicate order When inserting a declaration or a non-standard combination declaration, the local declaration number is repeated
中金所 10013 重复的报价 插入报价时,本地报价号重复 Repeat quotation The local quote number is repeated when the quote is inserted
中金所 10015 客户没有在该会员开户 报单中的客户并没有在指定的会员中开户 Client didn't open an account at this member It was fount during each operation that the designated client didn't open an account at the designated member.
中金所 10016 IOC 需在连续交易阶段 在非连续交易阶段企图报入 IOC 单 IOC to be conducted in continuous trade session. Attempt to insert IOC order during continuous trade session.
中金所 10017 GFA 需在集合竞价阶段 在非集合竞价阶段企图报入 GFA 的报单 GFA to be conducted in call auction session Attempt to insert GFA order during non-call-auction session.
中金所 10018 市价单不能排队 市价单的时间条件不是 IOC Market price orders are unable to queue It was found in inserting market order that time conditions are not IOC
中金所 10019 数量约束应在 IOC 单上 数量约束不是任意数量的报单的时间条件不是 IOC Quantity restriction shall be put on IOC It was found in inserting the order with a quantity restriction of non- arbitrary quantity that time conditions are not  IOC
中金所 10020 GTD 报单过期了 GTD 报单中的 GTD 日期已经过期了 GTD order had expired It was found in inserting the GTD order that GTD data had expired.
中金所 10021 最小数量大于报单数量 有最小数量条件的报单的最小数量大于报单数量 The Min. number exceeds the number of order It was found in inserting the order with a Min. number requirement that the Min. number exceeds the number of order.
中金所 10022 交易所数据没有同步 交易系统尚未初始化完毕,可以稍后再重试 The Exchange's data is not in the synchronized state It was found during operation of each business that the Exchange's data is not in the synchronized state.
中金所 10023 结算组数据没有同步 交易系统尚未初始化完毕,可以稍后再重试 The settlement group's data is not in the synchronized date It was found during operation of each business that the settlement group's data is not in the synchronized state.
中金所 10024 报单找不到 找不到要操作的报单 Order cannot be found It was found during order operation that order to be operated cannot be found.
中金所 10025 报价找不到 进行报价操作时,发现要操作的报价找不到 Quotes cannot be found During the quotation operation, the quotation for the operation cannot be found
中金所 10026 当前状态禁止此项操作 1. 在插入报单时,发现合约交易状态不是连续交易、集合竞价报单或者集合竞价平衡
4.在插入 OTC 报单时,发现合约的交易状态不是连续交易
This operation is prohibited by current state 1.When inserting the declaration, it is found that the contract transaction state is not continuous transaction, collective bidding declaration or collective bidding balance; 
2.During reporting operation,
For the activation operation, it is found that the contract transaction state is not continuous transaction, collective bidding declaration or collective bidding balance;
For other operations for non-management users, it is found that the contract transaction status is not continuous transaction or collective bidding declaration;
For the management user for the withdrawal or suspension operation, found that the contract transaction status is closed
3.For the withdrawal or suspension operation, found that the contract trading status has been closed
4.For other operations, it is found that the contract transaction status is not continuous trading or collective bidding declaration
中金所 10027 不合法的合约状态迁移 在切换合约交易状态时,发现此迁移不符合交易状态迁移规定 Unlegal contract status migration When switching the contract transaction state, this migration is found to do not meet the transaction state migration regulations
中金所 10028 报单已经全部成交 在报单操作时,发现报单已经全部成交了 Order has been fulfilled In the declaration operation, found that the declaration has been all clinched a deal
中金所 10029 报单已经撤销 在报单操作时,发现报单已经撤销了 Order has been cancelled In the declaration operation, it is found that the declaration has been cancelled
中金所 10031 平仓时客户持仓不足 报入平仓报单时,客户的持仓不足 The client's open interest is insufficient at the time of closing-out It was found during each operation that may cause closing out that client's open interest is insufficient.
中金所 10032 超出客户限仓 报入开仓报单时,超过了客户的投机限仓 Exceeding client's position limit It was found during each operation that is likely to open a position that it has exceeded client's speculative position.
中金所 10034 超出会员限仓 报入开仓报单时,超过了会员限仓 Exceeding member's position limit It was found during each operation that is likely to open a position that it has exceeded member's position limit.
中金所 10035 找不到帐号 找不到报单使用的资金帐号 Account cannot be found It was found during each operation that the account shall be used for such operation cannot be found.
中金所 10036 资金不足 资金帐号中没有足够的资金 Inadequate capital It was found during each operation that there is no sufficient capital in the account.
中金所 10037 不合法的数量 报单数量不是最小报单数量要求的正整数倍,或者超过最大报单数量 Illegal quantity During order entry, order operation, OTC order entry and order operation, the number of order is not the positive integral multiple as required by the Min. number of order or exceeds the Max. number of order
中金所 10045 结算组初始化状态不对 在用户登录时, 发现没有任何一个结算组数据已经完成过同步 The settlement group's initialization state is not correct It was found during user login that none of settlement group' data has achieved synchronization.
中金所 10048 价格非最小单位的倍数 报单的价格不是合约的最小变动单位的整数倍 The price is not the integral multiple of the Minunit It was found during each operation that price is not the integral mutiple of the contract's tick size.
中金所 10049 价格超出涨停板 报单的价格高于合约的涨停板 Price exceeds the upward limit It was found during each operation that the price is higher than the contract's upward price limit.
中金所 10050 价格跌破跌停板 报单的价格低于合约的跌停板 Price exceeds the  downward limit It was found during each operation that the price is lower than the contract's downward price limit.
中金所 10051 没有交易权限 对指定合约、或者客户对指定的合约、或者交易员没有的交易权限 Not authorized to trade It was found during each operation that member is not authorized to trade in the designated contract, or client is not authorized to trade in the designated contract, or trader is not authorized to trade.
中金所 10052 只能平仓 会员对指定合约、或者客户对指定的合约、或者交易员只有平仓的权限 Only can close out position It was found during each operation that may result in an opening of position that member only has the right to close out the designated contract, or client only has the right close out the designated contract, or trader only has the right close out a position.
中金所 10053 没有此项交易角色 会员在指定合约上不具有该客户对应的交易角色 No such trading role It was found in inserting the order, inserting the OTC order or inserting portfolio order that on the designated contract, this member doesn't have the trading role corresponding to such client.
中金所 10057 不能为其他会员操作 交易员给非其所属的会员进行操作 Operation shall not be conducted by other members It was found during each operation that user conduct operation on behalf member to whom he is not subordinate.
中金所 10058 用户不匹配 报单中的交易员和登录时的交易员不匹配 Unmatched user It was found during each operation that user for operation doesn't match with user for dialogue.
中金所 10059 用户重复登录 在用户登录时, 发现此用户已经登录过了 duplicate login by user It was found during user's login that this user has already logged into the system.
中金所 10060 用户名或口令错误 在用户登录或者修改口令时, 发现用户名找不到或者口令错误 Incorrect username or password It was found during user's login or password modification that username cannot be found or password is incorrect.
中金所 10062 用户不活跃 在用户登录时, 发现该用户不活跃 User is not active It was found during user's login that this user is not active
中金所 10064 用户不属于此会员 在用户登录时,发现用户不属于指定的会员 User does not belong to this member When the user logs in, the user is found as not belonging to the specified member
中金所 10065 错误的登录 IP 地址 在用户登录时,发现用户的 IP 地址不合法 Incorrect login IP address When the user logs in, the user's IP address is found to be illegal
中金所 10066 用户尚未登录 在各项操作中,发现用户尚未登录 User hasn't logged in yet In each operation, the user was found that he had not yet logged in
中金所 10067 并没有以此用户登录 在用户登出时,发现用户并不是以此用户登录的 It was not logged in with this user When the user logs out, it is found that the user is not logged in with this user
中金所 10068 并没有以此会员登录 在用户登出、强制用户登出或者修改口令时,发现用户并不是以此会员登录的 Did not log in with this member When a user logs out, forces the user to log out, or changes the password, it is found that the user is not logged in with this member
中金所 10070 报价已经被取消 在报价操作时,发现报价已经被取消了 The offer has already been cancelled During the quotation operation, it is found that the quotation has been cancelled
中金所 10076 报单已经被挂起 在报单挂起时,发现报单已经被挂起了 Order has been suspended When the bill was hung up, it was found that the bill had been hung up
中金所 10077 报单已经被激活 在报单激活时,发现报单已经被激活了 Order has been activated At the time of the order activation, it was found that the order had been activated
中金所 10078 GTD 报单没有设定日期 在插入 GTD 报单时,没有指定 GTD 日期 Date is not set on GTD order A GTD date was not specified when the GTD form is inserted
中金所 10079 不被支持的报单类型 在插入各类报单时,发现目前本交易所还不支持此种报单 Unsupported order type When inserting various kinds of reports, it is found that the exchange does not support such reports
中金所 10080 用户无此权限 只能查询本会员下的情况 User is not authorized to do so Use ordinary user to conduct each operation that only can be conducted by administrative user.
中金所 10083 止损单仅用于连续交易 在非连续交易阶段报入止损单 Stop-loss order is used for continuous trade only Attempt to insert stop-loss order during non-continuous trading session.
中金所 10084 止损单需是 IOC 或 GFD 止损单时的时间条件既不是 IOC,也不是 GFD Stop-loss order is required to be IOC or GFD It was found in inserting stop-loss order that time condition is neither IOC nor GFD
中金所 10089 执行宣告字段错误 插入执行宣告时,发现执行宣告中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Execution declaration field error When inserting execution declaration, field value is illegal in execution declaration (enumeration value crossed)
中金所 10090 执行宣告操作 字段错误 执行宣告操作时,发现执行宣告操作中有字段值不合法(枚举值越界) Execution declaration action field error When performing the declaration operation, found illegal field values in the declaration operation (enumeration value crossed)
中金所 10091 重复的执行宣告 插入执行宣告时,本地执行宣告编号重复 Repeated declaration of execution When inserting the execution declaration, the local execution declaration number is repeated
中金所 10092 执行宣告已经取消 在执行宣告操作时,发现执行宣告已经取消了 Execution declaration has been cancelled When performing the declaration operation, it is found that the execution declaration has been cancelled
中金所 10093 执行宣告找不到 进行执行宣告操作时,发现要操作的执行宣告找不到 The execution announcement is not found When the announcement operation is performed, the execution declaration for the operation cannot be found
中金所 10094 执行宣告只能用于期权 插入执行宣告时,发现合约是非期权合约 The execution declaration can only be used for options When inserting an execution declaration, the contract is found to be a non-option contract
中金所 10095 止损报单需说明止损价 在插入止损单时,发现没有指定止损价 The stop-loss price shall be specified on stop-loss order When inserting the stop loss order, it is found that no stop loss price was specified
中金所 10096 保值额度不足 在各类可能开仓操作时,发现客户的套期保值额度不足 Insufficient hedge quota In all kinds of possible warehouse opening operations, I found that the customer's hedging amount is insufficient
中金所 10097 重复的操作 报单操作、报价操作或者执行宣告操作时,本地操作号重复 duplicate operation The local operation number is repeated when reporting operation, quotation operation or declaration operation
中金所 10099 不能为其他用户操作 非授权交易员操作同会员的其他交易员报入的报单 Operation cannot be conducted by other users It was found during order operation that the unauthorized user attempt to operate the order inserted by other users of the same member.
中金所 10100 错误的用户类型 在交易员登录时,发现用户类型是行情用户 Error of the user type When the trader logs in, he discovers that the user type is the market user
中金所 10101 结算会员不能做交易 在报单操作时,发现会员类型是“特别结算会员” Settlement members cannot make transactions During the declaration operation, it is found that the member type is a "special settlement member"
中金所 10102 无法找到对应结算会员 报单操作、报价操作或者执行宣告操作时,发现操作会员无对应的结算会员 Unable not find the corresponding settlement member When the declaration operation, quotation operation or declaration operation, it is found that the operation member has no corresponding settlement member
中金所 10103 当日套保仓位不能平仓 套保仓位不应使用平今仓报单进行平仓 Hedge position on that day cannot be closed out Attempt to insert the order for closing out today's position into hedge position.
中金所 10104 不明管理指令 在收到管理指令时,无法认出指令类型 Unknown management instructions The instruction type cannot be recognized when administrative instructions are received
中金所 10106 重复的会话 用户登录时,发现已经成功登录并建立了会话 Repeat session When the user logs in, he has successfully logged in and established a session
中金所 10107 无此功能的权限 用户在执行登录、报单等操作时,发现用户无对应的权限 No permission to use this feature When the user performs login, declaration and other operations, he finds that the user has no corresponding permission
中金所 10108 需结算会员做此操作 在初始化、调整信用额度时,发现用户不是结算会员 The Settlement member needs to do this operation When initializing and adjusting the credit line, it is found that the user is not a settlement member
中金所 10109 结算交易会员不匹配 在初始化、调整信用额度时,发现用户找不到结算会员或者对应的结算会员不是本会员 Settlement transaction membership does not match When initializing and adjusting the credit line, it is found that the user cannot find the settlement member or the corresponding settlement member is not the member
中金所 10110 管理指令字段错误 在初始化、调整信用额度时,发现指令字段错误 Management instruction field error The instruction field error was found when initializing and adjusting the credit line
中金所 10111 信用限额不足 在报单操作时,发现用户的会员信用额度不足 Insufficient credit limit During the declaration operation, it is found that the user's member credit limit is insufficient
中金所 10113 信用限额尚未初始化过 在调整信用额度时,发现待调整的会员信用额度还未初始化过 The credit limit has not yet been initialized yet When adjusting the credit limit, it is found that the member credit limit to be adjusted has not been initialized
中金所 10114 最优价单不能排队 最优价单的时间条件不是 IOC The best price orders are unable to queue It was found in inserting the best price order that time condition is not IOC.
中金所 10121 没有报价权限 在收到报价请求指令时,发现客户没有做市商报价权限 There is no quote permission When receiving the quotation request instruction, it is found that the customer does not have the market maker permission to quote
中金所 10122 询价字段错误 在收到询价请求指令时,发现指令字段错误 Error in inquiry field On receipt of the inquiry request instruction, the instruction field error was found
中金所 10123 询价客户字段不能为空 在收到询价请求指令时,发现指令中客户号字段为空 The inquiry customer field cannot be empty When receiving the inquiry request instruction, the customer number field in the instruction is found to be empty
中金所 10124 询价会员字段不能为空 在收到询价请求指令时,发现指令中会员号字段为空 The inquiry member field cannot be empty When receiving the inquiry request instruction, the member number field in the instruction is empty
中金所 10125 价格超出波动带 在报单操作时,发现报单价格高于价格波动带上限 Price exceeds the fluctuation band During the reporting operation, it is found that the reporting price is higher than the upper limit of the price fluctuation band
中金所 10126 价格跌破波动带 在报单操作时,发现报单价格低于价格波动带下限 Prices fell below the volatility zone During the reporting operation, the reporting price is found that the reporting price is below the lower limit of the price fluctuation band
中金所 10127 市价单需在连续交易阶段 在报单操作时,发现报单合约不处于“连续交易阶段”,且报单价格条件不是“限价单” Market price order shall be in the continuous trading phase During the reporting operation, it is found that the reporting contract is not in the "continuous trading stage", and the reporting price condition is not the "price limit order"
中金所 10128 任意价单有效期类型不正确 在报单操作时,发现市价单的时间条件不是 IOC,也不是GFD Any price order validity period type is incorrect When reporting the order operation, it is found that the time condition of the market price order is not IOC or GFD
中金所 10129 最优价单有效期类型不正确 在报单操作时,发现最优价单的时间条件不是 IOC,也不是 GFD The type of validity is incorrect During the declaration operation, it is found that the time condition of the best price order is not IOC or GFD
中金所 10130 五档价单有效期类型不正确 在报单操操作时,发现五档价单的时间条件不是 IOC,也不是 GFD The validity type of five price order is incorrect When reporting the form operation, it is found that the time condition of the five price orders is not IOC, nor GFD
中金所 10131 组合持仓数量不足 在强平单报单操作时,发现组合持仓打破之后待平仓合约上的单腿持仓量仍然不足 Insufficient number of portfolio positions In the strong flat single report operation, found that the portfolio position broke after the single leg position is still insufficient
中金所 10132 组合单腿持仓数量不足 在报平仓单、撤单操作、手动组合时,发现合约单腿持仓量小于平仓量、解除冻结量或组合手数 The number of portfolio single-leg positions is insufficient In the liquidation, withdrawal operation, manual combination, found that the contract single leg position is less than the liquidation amount of liquidation, the frozen amount or the number of combination hands
中金所 10133 不支持的组合动作方向 在收到客户持仓组合/拆分申请时,发现组合动作方向不是“组合”或者“拆分” Unsupported combined action directions Upon receiving the customer portfolio / split request, the portfolio action direction is not "portfolio" or "split"
中金所 10134 没有组合权限 在收到客户持仓组合/拆分申请时,发现客户保证金收取类型不是“手动策略”或者“手动策略大边” There is no combination permissions Upon receipt of the customer portfolio / split requests, it was found that the customer margin collection type was not a "manual policy" or a "manual strategy large margin"
中金所 10135 组合规则不存在 在收到客户持仓组合/拆分申请时,发现组合规则不存在或者一条腿都没有 The combination rule does not exist Upon receipt of a customer portfolio / split request, the portfolio rule does not exist or a single leg is found
中金所 10136 组合单腿保证金收取方式不同 在收到客户持仓组合/拆分申请时,发现两腿保证金的收取方式不一致 Combination of single-leg margin collection method is different When receiving the customer position portfolio / split application, found that the two leg margin collection method is inconsistent
中金所 10137 组合合约保证金率找不到 在收到客户持仓组合/拆分申请时,找不到组合合约的的保证金率 The portfolio contract margin ratio could not be found No margin ratio for the portfolio contract cannot be found upon the receipt of a customer portfolio / split application
中金所 10138 订单触发自成交 同一客户的两笔订单发生自成交,后一笔订单被当成错单打回 Order is triggered since the transaction Two orders of the same customer occur since the transaction, and the latter order is returned as a wrong single.
中金所 10139 超出开仓手数限制 客户当日开仓手数超过了交易所规定的当日最大开仓手数 Beyond the limit on the number of open positions The number of customers openings on the day exceeded the maximum number of openings on the day stipulated by the exchange
中金所 10143 OTC 对手方会员风控检查失败 在 OTC 成交时,本方会员风控检查通过,但对方会员风控检查未通过,将为会员风控检查通过的一方发送该错误码,不为会员风控检查失败的一方发送错误通知 OTC counterparty member risk control inspection failed When the OTC transaction is completed, if the other member passes the risk control inspection, but the other member fails the risk control inspection, the error code will be sent to the party who passes the member risk control inspection, and the error notice will not be sent to the party who fails the member risk control inspection
中金所 10144 OTC 对手方交易检查失败 在 OTC 成交时,本方交易所检查通过,但对方交易所检查未通过,将为交易所检查通过的一方发送该错误码,为交易所检查失败的一方发送实际具体的错误码 The OTC counterparty transaction check has failed When the OTC is completed, the other exchange passes the inspection, but the other exchange fails the inspection, sending the error code to the party that passes the exchange inspection, and sending the actual specific error code to the party who fails the exchange inspection
中金所 10901 当前交易日...不可进行期转现申报 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,当前交易日不可进行期转现申报 The current trading day... declaration is not available When the negotiation platform does the OTC transaction inspection, the current trading day can not be converted to cash declaration
中金所 10902 申报时间不在规定范围内 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,申报时间不在规定范围内 The declaration time is not within the prescribed scope When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the declaration time is not within the prescribed scope
中金所 10903 现货成交日期不同 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,一笔期转现可能包含多笔现货交易,这多笔现货交易的现货成交日期必须相同个,否则则报此错误消息 Spot transaction date is different When doing the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, a period transfer may include multiple spot transactions, and the spot transaction date of the multiple spot transactions must be the same, otherwise the error message will be reported
中金所 10904 跨日期转现申报不能超过次日... 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,跨日期转现申报不能超过次日指定时间 Cross-date cash transfer declaration can not exceed the next day... When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the cross-date transfer declaration cannot exceed the specified time of the next day
中金所 10905 合约... 不可进行期转现交易 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,申报合约不可进行期转现交易 Contract... can not be transferred from term to cash transaction When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the declaration contract cannot be converted to cash transaction
中金所 10906 协商一致日期不能小于上一交易日 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,协商一致日期不能小于上一交易日 The date of consensus shall not be less than the previous trading day When conducting OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the date of agreement shall not be less than the previous trading day
中金所 10907 协商一致日期不能大于当前交易日 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,协商一致日期不能大于当前交易日 The consensus date shall not be greater than the current trading day When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the date of consensus shall not be greater than the current trading day
中金所 10908 协商一致日期与现货成交日期不一致 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,协商一致日期与现货成交日期不一致 The consensus date is inconsistent with the spot transaction date When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the date of consensus is inconsistent with the spot transaction date
中金所 10909 协商一致时间不能大于申报时间 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,协商一致时间不能大于申报时间 The time of consensus shall not be greater than the declaration time When conducting OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the consensus time should not be greater than the declaration time
中金所 10910 当前不可进行期转现申报 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,当前不可进行期转现申报 At present, the period transfer to cash declaration can not be made When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the current period cannot be converted to cash declaration
中金所 10911 现货交易成交编号..与当日期转现申报重复 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,现货交易成交编号与当日期转现申报重复 Spot transaction transaction number.. with when Date transfer and declaration are made in duplicate When doing OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, spot transaction transaction number and when Date transfer and declaration are made in duplicate
中金所 10912 现货交易成交编号...与上一日期转现申报重复 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,现货交易成交编号与上一日期转现申报重复 Spot transaction number... and the previous date of transfer declaration repeated When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the spot transaction number is repeated with the transfer declaration of the previous date
中金所 10913 交易双方客户号不能相同 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,交易双方客户号不能相同 The customer numbers of the two parties shall not be the same When the OTC transaction inspection is conducted on the negotiation platform, the customer number of both parties of the transaction cannot be the same
中金所 10914 期转现多笔现货买卖方向不一致 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,期转现多笔现货买卖方向不一致 Multiple spot trading direction is not consistent In the negotiation platform for OTC transaction inspection, the direction of multiple spot transactions is inconsistent
中金所 10915 期转现申报中现货买卖方向有误 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,期转现申报中现货买卖方向有误 Period transfer to cash declaration in the spot trading direction is wrong When doing the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the spot trading direction in the period transfer declaration was wrong
中金所 10916 期转现申报中期货买卖方向有误 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,期转现申报中期货买卖方向有误 Period to cash declaration in the futures trading direction is wrong When doing the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, the futures trading direction in the interim transfer declaration was wrong
中金所 10917 期转现申报中期现货买卖方向相同 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,期转现申报中期现货买卖方向相同 Period transfer to declare medium-term spot trading direction is the same When conducting the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, and when conducting the OTC transaction inspection, the mid-term spot trading direction is the same
中金所 10918 现货...不可参与期转现交易 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,现货不可参与期转现交易 Spot... Do not participate in the period of transfer to cash trading When the negotiation platform does the OTC transaction inspection, the spot can not participate in the period transfer transaction
中金所 10919 非法人投资者之间不能以期转现交易方式达成交易 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,非法人投资者之间不能以期转现交易方式达成交易 Unincorporated investors cannot be traded through interim transfer transactions When doing the OTC transaction checks on the negotiation platform, the unincorporated investors cannot reach a transaction in order to recash the transaction method
中金所 10920 (交易所审核不通过的具体原因) 交易所审核不通过时,由业务人员手动输入错误信息 (Specific reasons for the failure of the exchange review) When the exchange fails to pass the audit, the business personnel will manually enter the error information
中金所 10951 会员不可参与期转现交易 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,会员不可参与期转现交易 Members can not participate in the period transfer transaction During the OTC transaction inspection on the negotiation platform, members shall not participate in the period transfer transaction
中金所 10952 客户不可参与期转现交易 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,客户不可参与期转现交易 Customers can not participate in the period transfer transaction When the negotiation platform conducts OTC transaction inspection, customers can not participate in the period transfer transaction
中金所 10954 客户...无交易权限 在协商平台做 OTC 成交检查时,客户无交易权限 The Customer... has no transaction authority When conducting the transaction inspection of OTC on the negotiation platform, the customer has no transaction authority


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
广期所 10049 合约不是询价应价合约或没有做市商做市 The contract is not an inquiry offer contract or no market maker
广期所 10050 不满足询价间隔 Inquiry interval is not met
广期所 10051 此 RFQ 已处理过 This RFQ has already been processed
广期所 10052 场上有合理报价,不能询价 There is a reasonable quotation on the site, and you can not make an inquiry
广期所 10053 品种交易状态不对,不能交易 Variety trading state is not right, and cannot be traded
广期所 10054 本合约做市商不能自询价 The market maker in this contract cannot inquire from himself
广期所 10055 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
广期所 10056 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
广期所 10057 期权或标的期货合约达到停板价格不允许询价 Option or the underlying futures contract to reach the stop board price does not allow the inquiry
广期所 20001 会员或交易员不符! Members or traders do not match!
广期所 20002 会员不符! Members do not match!
广期所 20003 CA 认证尚未通过,拒绝发送交易! The CA certification has not yet passed, refused to send the transaction!
广期所 20004 登录尚未成功,拒绝发送交易! Login is not yet successful, refused to send the transaction!
广期所 20005 操作员无权发送该交易! The operator has no right to send the transaction!
广期所 20006 发送交换机机失败! Send switch failed!
广期所 20007 用户不符! The user does not match!
广期所 20008 密码修改失败! Password modification failed!
广期所 20009 CA 认证请求包错误! CA authentication request package error!
广期所 20010 已经经过 CA 认证! Has been CA certified!
广期所 20011 没有经过 CA 认证 Session! No CA certified Session!
广期所 20012 Session 认证请求包错误! Session authentication request package error!
广期所 20013 登录包错误! Login package error!
广期所 20014 已经登录! Has logged in!
广期所 20015 交易员不能超级登录! Traders can't be super log-in!
广期所 20016 在执行委托时该代码代表的错误为 "定单来源检查错误!"
在执行询价时该代码代表的错误为 "RFQ 来源检查错误!"
The error representing the delegate is Ordered Source Check Error!"
The code representing the error is" RFQ source check error!"
广期所 20017 登出! logout!
广期所 20018 此本地报单号对应的定单已报入! The order corresponding to this local order number has been entered!
广期所 20019 席位不存在! The seats do not exist!
广期所 20020 用户不存在! Users do not exist!
广期所 20021 客户检查错误! Customer check error!
广期所 40001 市场状态不允许! Market status does not allow!
广期所 40002 会员号不能为空! The member number cannot be empty!
广期所 40003 合约不存在! Contract cannot be found
广期所 40004 会员客户检查不通过! Member customers fail to check!
广期所 40005 数量不合理! The quantity is unreasonable!
广期所 40006 记录不存在! The record does not exist!
广期所 40007 记录已撤销! The record has been revoked!
广期所 40008 对冲设置错误! Hedge setting error!
广期所 40009 非到期日不能进行设置! Non-due date cannot be set!
广期所 40010 重复设置! reinvent!
广期所 40011 投保标志设置错误! Insurance sign set error!
广期所 40012 期权执行申请失败! Option execution application fails!
广期所 40013 履约对冲设置失败! Performance hedge setting failure!
广期所 40014 履约对冲撤销失败! Performance hedge cancellation failure!
广期所 40015 期权对冲设置失败! Option hedging setting has failed!
广期所 40016 期权对冲撤销失败! Option hedge cancellation failure!
广期所 40017 取消自动行权设置失败! Cancel the automatic exercise setting failed!
广期所 40018 取消自动行权撤销失败! Cancel automatic exercise cancellation failure!
广期所 40019 合约类型不是期权! Contract type is not an option!
广期所 40020 品种交易状态不存在! Variety trading status does not exist!
广期所 40021 发送数据包失败! Send packet failure!
广期所 40022 品种交易状态不允许! Variety trading status is not allowed!
广期所 50001 定单类别检查错误! Ordering category check error!
广期所 50002 定单类型检查错误! Order Type Check Error!
广期所 50003 开平标志错误! The Kaiping mark is wrong!
广期所 50004 买卖标志检查错误! Sale sign check error!
广期所 50005 投保标志检查错误! Insurance sign check error!
广期所 50006 定单属性检查错误! Ordered attribute check error!
广期所 50007 此定单类别只能下一个定单! This order category can only have one next order!
广期所 50008 批量订单只能有两个单子! Batch orders can only have two orders!
广期所 50009 批量定单两腿定单类别不一致! Batch order two leg order category is not consistent!
广期所 50010 会员客户检查不通过! Member customers fail to check!
广期所 50011 已经销户! Has been sold!
广期所 50012 席位不存在! The seats do not exist!
广期所 50013 席位不属于会员! Seats are not a member!
广期所 50014 合约交易权限检查,合约不可以交易! Contract trading authority check, the contract can not be traded!
广期所 50015 合约交易权限检查,合约只可平仓! Contract trading authority check, the contract can only be closed!
广期所 50016 客户交易权限检查,合约不可以交易! Customer trading authority check, the contract can not be traded!
广期所 50017 客户交易权限检查,合约只可平仓! Customer trading authority check, the contract can only be closed!
广期所 50018 席位交易权限检查,合约不可以交易! Seat trading authority check, the contract can not be traded!
广期所 50019 席位交易权限检查,合约只可平仓! Seat trading authority check, the contract can only be closed!
广期所 50020 套利合约不存在! Arbitrage contract does not exist!
广期所 50021 合约不存在! The contract does not exist!
广期所 50022 批量单只可一个期权定单和一个期货定单! Batch single can be an option order and a futures order!
广期所 50023 合约未上市! The contract is not listed!
广期所 50024 下单数量不在合理范围内! The order quantity is not within the reasonable range!
广期所 50025 价格最小变动单位不能为 0,基础数据错! Price minimum change unit cannot be 0, the basic data is wrong!
广期所 50026 价格最小变动单位不符合! The minimum price change unit does not meet!
广期所 50027 合约行情不存在! Contract market does not exist!
广期所 50028 价位不在涨跌幅度内! Price is not in the rise or fall degree!
广期所 50029 止损价位不在涨跌幅度内! Stop loss price is not in the rise or fall degree!
广期所 50030 买限价止损单-止损价应低于触发后限价! Buy limit stop loss order-stop loss price should be lower than the trigger limit!
广期所 50031 卖限价止损单-止损价应高于触发后限价! Sell limit stop loss order-stop loss price should be higher than the trigger limit!
广期所 50032 买限价止盈单-止盈价应低于触发后限价! Buy price limit stop profit order-stop profit price should be lower than after the trigger price limit!
广期所 50033 卖限价止盈单-止盈价应高于触发后限价! Sale price limit stop profit order-stop profit price should be higher than the trigger price limit!
广期所 50034 套利合约行情不存在! Arbitrage contract market does not exist!
广期所 50035 定单状态检查不合法! Order status check is illegal!
广期所 50039 已经撤单! Has withdrawn orders!
广期所 50040 完全成交,不能撤单! Complete transaction, can not be withdrawn!
广期所 50041 委托单不存在! Entrusted order does not exist!
广期所 50042 此会员无结算帐号! This member has no settlement account number!
广期所 50043 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录! This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules!
广期所 50044 取不到固定保证金! Can't get a fixed margin!
广期所 50045 市场状态! 返回当前市场状态:
Market status! Returns the current market status:
1.The market status is currently after initialized
2.The market status is closed
3.The market status is currently suspended
广期所 50046 结算账号禁止开仓! 席位资金不足 Settlement account number is prohibited to open the warehouse!
广期所 50047 客户不存在! The customer does not exist!
广期所 50048 期权价格必须大于 TICK! The option price must be greater than the TICK!
广期所 50049 期权止损价格必须大于 TICK! Option stop-loss price must be greater than TICK!
广期所 50050 定单来源检查错误! Order source check error!
广期所 50051 期权组合保证金比例表无对应的组合记录! Option portfolio margin ratio table has no corresponding portfolio record!
广期所 50053 不能撤销手动或自动产生的强平单! You flat unstrong be generated manually or automatically!
广期所 50054 不能撤销他人的单子! Can't revoke another person's list!
广期所 50055 做市商标记错误! Market maker marks wrong!
广期所 50056 双边报价指令要求两个单子! Bilateral quotation instruction requires two orders!
广期所 50057 双边报价指令必须为限价委托! Bilateral quotation instruction must be a price limit entrusted!
广期所 50058 双边报价指令必须无定单属性委托! Bilateral quotation instructions must be no fixed single attribute commissioned!
广期所 50059 双边报价指令两条腿必须都是做市商! Bilateral quotation instructions both legs must be market makers!
广期所 50060 双边报价指令两腿委托数量相等! Bilateral quotation instructions two legs commissioned quantity is equal!
广期所 50061 双边报价指令两腿合约不相同! Bilateral quotation instructions two legs contract is not the same!
广期所 50062 双边报价指令两腿必须一买一卖! Bilateral quotation instructions for two legs must be a buy a sell!
广期所 50063 合约已经停牌! The contract has been suspended!
广期所 50064 期权必须是投机! Options must be speculative!
广期所 50065 只有做市商可以下双边报价指令! Only market makers can make bilateral quotation orders!
广期所 50066 双边报价指令两腿定单类别不一致! Bilateral quotation instructions two leg order category is inconsistent!
广期所 50067 只允许一个撤单域 Only one withdrawal domain is allowed
广期所 50072 双边报价指令两腿客户号不一致! Bilateral quotation instructions two legs customer number is inconsistent!
广期所 50073 双边报价指令卖价必须大于买价! Bilateral quotation instruction selling price must be greater than the purchase price!
广期所 50074 品种交易权限不存在! Variety trading authority does not exist!
广期所 50075 该品种不支持双边报价定单! This variety does not support bilateral quotation order!
广期所 50076 该品种只支持做市商下双边报价定单! This variety only supports the market makers under the bilateral quotation orders!
广期所 50077 做市商在该品种无双边报价权限! Market makers have no bilateral quotation authority in this variety!
广期所 50078 双边报价定单两腿定单类别不一致! Bilateral quotation order two leg order category is inconsistent!
广期所 50079 该品种不支持市价单! This variety does not support the market price order!
广期所 50080 双边定单两腿投保标志不一致! Bilateral order two legs insurance sign is inconsistent!
广期所 50083 实控组交易权限检查,合约不可以交易! Actual control group trading authority check, the contract can not be traded!
广期所 50084 实控组交易权限检查,合约只可平仓! Actual control group trading authority inspection, the contract can only be closed!
广期所 60001 结算帐号对应的交易资金不存在! The transaction fund corresponding to the settlement account number does not exist!
广期所 60002 套利合约不存在! Arbitrage contract does not exist!
广期所 60003 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录! This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules!
广期所 60004 委托表没有系统号对应的记录! The commission table has no record corresponding to the system number!
广期所 60005 委托单不存在! Entrusted order does not exist!
广期所 60006 合约行情不存在! Contract market does not exist!
广期所 60007 成交批次号对应的持仓明细不存在! Transaction batch number corresponding to the open position details do not exist!
广期所 60008 席位不存 The seats do not exist!
广期所 60009 席位会员关系不正确! The seat membership relationship is not correct!
广期所 60010 席位密码不正确! The eat password is incorrect!
广期所 60011 席位已经登录! The seat has been logged in!
广期所 60012 席位已经登出! The seat has been logged out!
广期所 60013 席位没有登录! Seats are not logged in!
广期所 60014 控制模式改变失败! Control mode change failed!
广期所 60015 市场状态改变失败! Market status change failure!
广期所 60016 用户不存在! Users do not exist!
广期所 60017 用户密码不正确! Improper user password!
广期所 60018 用户已经登录! User has been logged in!
广期所 60019 用户已经登出! User has been logged out!
广期所 60020 用户没有登录! User is not logged in!
广期所 60021 不允许从当前状态直接转变到目的状态! Direct transition from current state to destination state is not allowed!
广期所 60022 非超级登录不能禁用 CA! Non-super-login cannot be disabled CA!
广期所 60023 新密码长度应该在 8 到 16 位! The new password length should be between 8 and 16 bits!
广期所 60024 密码修改的差异度不够! The difference degree of password modification is not enough!
广期所 60025 票号对应的资金已经正常入库! The fund corresponding to the ticket number has been put in normal storage!
广期所 60026 出金资金不够! The gold fund is not enough!
广期所 60027 场上不允许出金! No gold is allowed on the court!
广期所 60028 发送数据包失败! Send packet failure!
广期所 60029 查无记录! Check no record!
广期所 60030 初次登录修改初始密码,否下次不能登录! First login to change the initial password, no next time cannot login!
广期所 60031 席位被冻结! The seats were frozen!
广期所 60032 用户被冻结! The user is frozen!
广期所 60033 密码有效参数不存在! Password valid parameter does not exist!
广期所 60034 登录失败有效参数不存在! Login failure The valid parameter does not exist!
广期所 60035 登录密码过期,联系系统管理员重置密码! Login password expired, contact the system administrator to reset the password!
广期所 60036 结算账户表中不存在对应的结算账户! There is no corresponding settlement account in the settlement account table!
广期所 60037 结算准备金最低余额表不存在相应的记录! There is no corresponding record in the minimum balance statement of the settlement reserve!
广期所 60038 期权执行申请失败! Option execution application fails!
广期所 60039 期权执行申请单不存在! Option execution application form does not exist!
广期所 60040 用户已经存在! User already exists!
广期所 60041 合约交易权限已经存在! Contract trading rights already exist!
广期所 60042 合约交易权限不存在! Contract trading authority does not exist!
广期所 60043 席位交易权限已经存在! Seat trading authority already exists!
广期所 60044 席位交易权限不存在! Seat trading authority does not exist!
广期所 60045 客户交易权限已经存在! Customer transaction authority already exists!
广期所 60046 客户交易权限不存在! Customer transaction authority does not exist!
广期所 60047 交易权限不正确! Incorrect transaction authority!
广期所 60048 密码到期提示时间不存在! Password expiration prompt time does not exist!
广期所 60050 操作类型错误! Bad operation type!
广期所 60051 交易所代码对应的交易所不存在! Exchange code corresponding to the exchange does not exist!
广期所 60052 没有客户持仓! No customer positions!
广期所 60053 客户不存在! The customer does not exist!
广期所 60054 不需要资金不够强平! Do not need capital is not strong enough flat!
广期所 60055 系统未处暂停状态,不能手工生成强平单! The system is not in the pause state, can not manually generate a strong flat sheet!
广期所 60056 本日已做过生成强平处理,是否再次生成! This day has done the generation of strong flat processing, whether to generate again!
广期所 60057 本日还没强平! This day is not yet strong flat!
广期所 60058 同一个交易日不允许倒着时间切换状态! The same trading day is not allowed to reverse the time to switch to the state!
广期所 60060 会员客户检查不通过! Member customers fail to check!
广期所 60061 客户优惠组合持仓表无相应记录! Customer preferential portfolio position table has no corresponding record!
广期所 60062 客户套利持仓表无相应记录! Customer arbitrage position table has no corresponding record!
广期所 60063 组合优惠表不存在组合合约! There is no portfolio contract in the portfolio discount table!
广期所 60064 优惠组合比例表不存在组合合约! There is no portfolio contract in the preferential portfolio scale table!
广期所 60065 行情席位不允许在交易后台修改密码! Market seats are not allowed to change the password in the trading background!
广期所 60066 当前是自动模式! Current is automatic mode!
广期所 60076 IP 地址不正确! Improper IP address!
广期所 60077 资金不够! Money is not enough!
广期所 60079 交易编码无交易保证金! Trading code without trading margin!
广期所 60083 定单类别不是期权执行申请! The order category is not an option execution application!
广期所 60084 组合状态必须是组合或解锁! The combination state must be combined or unlocked!
广期所 60085 优惠组合持仓量不足! Preferential portfolio holdings are insufficient!
广期所 60086 组合合约两腿所属品种的交易状态不一致! The combination contract of two legs of the variety of trading status is not consistent!
广期所 60087 单腿持仓不足! One-leg position is insufficient!
广期所 60088 只允许一个数据域! Only one data domain is allowed!
广期所 70001 发送数据包失败! Send packet failure!
广期所 70002 查无记录! Check no record!
广期所 70003 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录! This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules!
广期所 70004 结算帐号对应的交易资金不存在! The transaction fund corresponding to the settlement account number does not exist!
广期所 80001 会员是自营,客户不是自营 Members are self-operated, and customers are not self-operated
广期所 80002 开仓超过会员自营限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member self-run limited warehouse
广期所 80003 会员是经纪,客户不是经纪 Members are brokers, and clients are not brokers
广期所 80004 开仓超过会员代理限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member agent limited warehouse
广期所 80005 开仓超过会员综合限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member comprehensive warehouse limit
广期所 80006 开仓数量超过客户限制 The number of open positions exceeds the customer limit
广期所 80007 平仓数量超过可平数量 The amount of liquidation exceeds the amount of liquidation
广期所 80008 客户无持仓 The customer has no position
广期所 80009 客户剩余保值额度不足 The remaining warranty amount of customers is insufficient
广期所 80010 客户没有保值额度 The customer has no amount of value preservation
广期所 80021 会员超仓,不可开仓 Members exceed the warehouse, can not open the warehouse
广期所 80022 个人客户不能在处于交割月的合约上开仓 Individual customers cannot open positions on the contract in the delivery month
广期所 80022 个人客户不能在交割月的合约上开投机仓 Individual customers cannot open speculative positions on the delivery month contract
广期所 80023 开仓数量超过实控组投机限制 The number of open positions exceeds the actual control group speculation limit
广期所 80024 开仓数量超过实控组套保限制 The number of open positions exceeds the hedging limit of the actual control group
广期所 80025 开仓数量超过实控组综合限制 The number of open positions exceeds the comprehensive limit of the actual control group
广期所 80026 无此实控关系账户 No such actual control relationship account
广期所 80027 开仓超过当日客户在合约/系列上开仓限额 Opening opening exceeds the contract / series on the day
广期所 80028 开仓超过当日客户在品种上开仓限额 The opening limit exceeds the customer on the variety
广期所 80029 开仓超过当日实控组在合约/系列上开仓限额 The opening position exceeds the opening position limit of the actual control group on the contract / series
广期所 80030 开仓超过当日实控组在品种上开仓限额 Open warehouse exceeds the day of the actual control group in the variety of open warehouse limit
广期所 80031 开仓数量超过境外客户组综合限制 The number of open positions exceeds the comprehensive limit of the overseas customer group
广期所 80032 无此境外客户组账户 No such overseas customer group account
广期所 81001 本撮合主机不支持该合约 This matchmaking host does not support the contract
广期所 81002 基本定单不允许多个定单 Basic orders do not allow multiple orders
广期所 81003 无此会员 No member
广期所 81004 无此客户 No such customer
广期所 81005 本交易状态不接受该类定单 This transaction status does not accept such orders
广期所 81007 交易状态错误,暂停服务 Transaction status error, suspended service
广期所 81008 本地报单号重复 Repeat the local report number
广期所 81009 套利定单非法 Arbitrage order is illegal
广期所 81010 强平单数量非法 The number of strong flat orders is illegal
广期所 81011 非法报文 Illegal message
广期所 81012 本撮合组本交易状态下,不允许撤销定单 In the state of this transaction, it is not allowed to cancel the order
广期所 81013 本撮合组该交易编码不是做市商 This transaction code is not a market maker
广期所 81014 批量撤单请求,没有需要撤的定单 Batch withdrawal request, no order to withdraw
广期所 81015 本撮合组批量撤单结束 The matchmaking group batch withdrawal order ended
广期所 82002 定单被系统撤销 Orders are revoked by the system
广期所 82003 无此撤销定单 No such cancellation order
广期所 82004 修改定单无效 The modification order is invalid
广期所 82005 修改定单数量非法 Illegal to modify the number of orders
广期所 90020 行情席位会员关系不正确! Market seat membership relationship is not correct!
广期所 90021 行情席位没有登录! Market seat did not login!
广期所 90022 行情席位密码不正确! Market seat password is not correct!
广期所 90023 行情席位新密码长度应该在 8 到 16 位! Market seat new password length should be in 8 to 16 places!
广期所 90024 行情席位密码修改的差异度不够! Market seat password change of the difference degree is not enough!
广期所 90025 行情席位不存在! Market seats do not exist!
广期所 90063 席位密码已过期,请联系管理员重置密码! The seat password has expired, please contact the administrator to reset the password!
广期所 100000 无应答 no-reply
广期所 100004 转发失败 The forwarding failed
广期所 100006 应答数据错误 Error in response data
广期所 100009 FTCP 域错误 The FTCP domain error


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
大商所7.0 9998 返回数据为空 Return data is empty
大商所7.0 9999 系统出错 System error
大商所7.0 10001 登出失败 Go out of the failure
大商所7.0 20001 会员或交易员不符 Member or trader is inconsistent
大商所7.0 20002 会员不符 Members do not match
大商所7.0 20003 CA 认证尚未通过,拒绝发送交易 The CA certification has not yet passed, and it has refused to send the transaction
大商所7.0 20004 登录尚未成功,拒绝发送交易 Login is not successful, send transaction is refused
大商所7.0 20005 操作员无权发送该交易 The operator has no authority to send the transaction
大商所7.0 20006 发送交换机机失败 Send switch failed
大商所7.0 20007 用户不符 The user does not match
大商所7.0 20008 密码修改失败 Password modification failed
大商所7.0 20009 Ca 认证请求包错误 Ca Certification Request Package error
大商所7.0 20010 已经经过 CA 认证 Has been CA certified
大商所7.0 20011 没有经过 CA 认证 Session No CA certified Session
大商所7.0 20012 Session 认证请求包错误 Session the authentication request package error
大商所7.0 20013 登录包错误 Login package error
大商所7.0 20014 已经登录 Has logged in
大商所7.0 20015 交易员不能超级登录 Traders cannot super login
大商所7.0 20016 定单来源检查错误 Order source check error
大商所7.0 20017 登出 logout
大商所7.0 20018 此本地报单号对应的定单已报入 The order corresponding to this local order number has been entered
大商所7.0 20019 席位不存在 The seat does not exist
大商所7.0 20020 用户不存在 The user does not exist
大商所7.0 20021 登录与认证时的席位号不一致 The login is not consistent with the seat number at authentication
大商所7.0 20022 登录与认证时的用户号不一致 The login is not consistent with the user number at authentication
大商所7.0 20023 登录类型错误 Login type error
大商所7.0 20024 会员不存在 Members do not exist
大商所7.0 20025 客户不存在 The customer does not exist
大商所7.0 20026 合约不存在 The contract does not exist
大商所7.0 20027 套利合约不存在 Arbitrage contract does not exist
大商所7.0 20028 组合合约不存在 The portfolio contract does not exist
大商所7.0 20029 结算账号不存在 The settlement account number does not exist
大商所7.0 20030 流控上限值修改失败 Flow control upper limit modification failed
大商所7.0 20031 该报文在流控范围内 The message is within the flow control range
大商所7.0 20032 网关还没有准备好 The Gateway is not ready yet
大商所7.0 20033 席位和网关的行情等级不匹配 The seat and the gateway market level do not match
大商所7.0 20034 API 版本号错误 The API version number is wrong
大商所7.0 20035 ip 或端口号错误 Error in the ip or port number
大商所7.0 20036 APP 信息未填写 The APP information is not filled in
大商所7.0 20037 期权系列不存在 The price is not within the reasonable degree of deviation scope
大商所7.0 40001 市场状态不允许 Market status is not allowed
大商所7.0 40002 会员号不能为空 The membership number cannot be empty
大商所7.0 40003 合约不存在 The contract does not exist
大商所7.0 40004 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
大商所7.0 40005 申请数量不合理 The number of applications is unreasonable
大商所7.0 40006 履约对冲申请记录不存在 Performance hedge application record does not exist
大商所7.0 40007 期权执行申请记录已撤销 Option execution application record is revoked
大商所7.0 40008 对冲标志设置错误 Hedge flag setting error
大商所7.0 40009 非到期日不能进行设置 Non-due date cannot be set
大商所7.0 40010 重复设置 reinvent
大商所7.0 40011 投保标志设置错误 The insurance flag is not set up correctly
大商所7.0 40012 期权执行申请失败 Option execution application failed
大商所7.0 40013 履约对冲设置失败 Performance hedging setting has failed
大商所7.0 40014 履约对冲撤销失败 Failure of performance hedge cancellation
大商所7.0 40015 期权对冲设置失败 Option hedging setting failed
大商所7.0 40016 期权对冲撤销失败 Option hedge revocation failed
大商所7.0 40017 取消自动行权设置失败 Cancel the automatic exercise setting failed
大商所7.0 40018 取消自动行权撤销失败 Cancellation of automatic exercise and revocation fails
大商所7.0 40019 合约类型不是期权 Contract type is not an option
大商所7.0 40020 品种交易状态不存在 Variety trading status does not exist
大商所7.0 40021 发送数据包失败 Sending a packet has failed
大商所7.0 40022 品种交易状态不允许 Variety trading status is not allowed
大商所7.0 40023 品种延时闭市时间上场失败 Variety delay closing time failed
大商所7.0 40024 品种延时闭市控制表插入失败 The insertion of the variety delay closed market control table failed
大商所7.0 40025 合约交易状态不存在 The contract trading status does not exist
大商所7.0 40026 合约交易状态不允许 Contract trading status is not allowed
大商所7.0 40027 品种延时闭市时间记录不存在 The variety delay market closing time record does not exist
大商所7.0 40028 取消自动行权申请记录不存在 The record of the cancellation of the automatic exercise application does not exist
大商所7.0 40029 期权对冲申请记录不存在 The option hedge claim record does not exist
大商所7.0 40030 期权行权申请记录不存在 The option exercise application record does not exist
大商所7.0 40031 延时闭市状态控制表为空 The delayed market closing state control table is empty
大商所7.0 40032 合约类型不是期货 The contract's type is not futures
大商所7.0 40033 品种设置错误 The product setting is incorrect
大商所7.0 40034 合约不是有效期权系列 The contract's series is inactive
大商所7.0 40035 合约与品种对应关系不正确 The contract doesn't match with product
大商所7.0 40036 行权后期货对冲申请记录不存在 The apply for offsetting underlying positions cannot be found
大商所7.0 40037 行权后期货对冲设置失败 The apply for offsetting underlying positions fails
大商所7.0 40038 行权后期货对冲撤销失败 The apply for canceling offsetting underlying positions fails
大商所7.0 40039 合约与期权系列对应关系不正确 The contract doesn't match with series
大商所7.0 40040 期权系列设置错误 The series is incorrect
大商所7.0 40041 期权系列与品种对应关系不正确 The series doesn't match with product
大商所7.0 40042 期货对冲设置失败 The apply for offsetting futures positions fails
大商所7.0 40043 期货对冲撤销失败 The apply for canceling offsetting futures positions fails
大商所7.0 40044 期货对冲申请记录不存在 The apply for offsetting futures positions cannot be found
大商所7.0 40045 期权放弃申请失败 The apply for execution abandonment fails
大商所7.0 40046 期权放弃申请记录不存在 The apply for execution abandonment cannot be found
大商所7.0 40047 期权放弃申请记录已撤销 The apply for canceling execution abandonment fails
大商所7.0 40048 只允许撤销交易数据 Only trading data is allowed canceling
大商所7.0 40049 不允许报入 TAS TAS command is not allowed
大商所7.0 50001 定单类别检查错误 Order category check error
大商所7.0 50002 定单类型检查错误 Order type check error
大商所7.0 50003 开平标志错误 Kaiping logo error
大商所7.0 50004 买卖标志检查错误 Sale sign check error
大商所7.0 50005 投保标志检查错误 Insurance sign check error
大商所7.0 50006 定单属性检查错误 Order property check error
大商所7.0 50007 此定单类别只能下一个定单 This single order category can only have one single order
大商所7.0 50008 批量定单只能有两个单子 Batch orders can only have two orders
大商所7.0 50009 批量定单两腿定单类别不一致 Batch ordering Two-leg ordering categories are inconsistent
大商所7.0 50010 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
大商所7.0 50011 已经销户 Has been sold
大商所7.0 50012 席位不存在 The seat does not exist
大商所7.0 50013 席位不属于会员 Seats are not intended for members
大商所7.0 50014 合约交易权限检查,合约不可以交易 Contract trading authority check, the contract can not be traded
大商所7.0 50015 合约交易权限检查,合约只可平仓 Contract trading authority check, the contract can only be closed
大商所7.0 50016 该客户该合约不可交易 The contract is not tradable
大商所7.0 50017 该客户该合约只可平仓 The customer can only close the contract
大商所7.0 50018 该席位该合约不可交易 The contract is not tradable
大商所7.0 50019 该席位该合约只可平仓 The contract can only be closed
大商所7.0 50020 套利合约不存在 Arbitrage contract does not exist
大商所7.0 50021 合约不存在 The contract does not exist
大商所7.0 50022 批量单只可一个期权定单和一个期货定单 Batch single can be an option order and a futures order
大商所7.0 50023 合约未上市 The contract is not listed
大商所7.0 50024 下单数量不在合理范围内 The order quantity is not within a reasonable range
大商所7.0 50025 价格最小变动单位不能为 0 The minimum unit of price change cannot be 0
大商所7.0 50026 价格最小变动单位不符合 The minimum price change unit is not consistent
大商所7.0 50027 合约行情不存在 The contract market does not exist
大商所7.0 50028 价位不在涨跌幅度内 The price is not within the rise or fall
大商所7.0 50029 止损价位不在涨跌幅度内 Stop-loss price is not in the rise or fall degree
大商所7.0 50030 买限价止损单-止损价应低于触发后限价 Buy limit stop loss order-stop loss price should be below the trigger limit
大商所7.0 50031 卖限价止损单-止损价应高于触发后限价 Stop loss limit-Stop loss price should be higher than the post-trigger limit
大商所7.0 50032 买限价止盈单-止盈价应低于触发后限价 Buy price limit stop profit order-stop profit price should be lower than the price limit after triggering
大商所7.0 50033 卖限价止盈单-止盈价应高于触发后限价 The sale limit stop profit order-stop profit price shall be higher than the price limit after triggering
大商所7.0 50034 套利合约行情不存在 Arbitrage contract market does not exist
大商所7.0 50035 定单状态检查不合法 Order status check is illegal
大商所7.0 50036 定单修改只能修改限价单 Order modification can only modify the price limit order
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是初始化后 The breed is currently available after the initialization
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是集合竞价申报 This breed is currently a collective bidding declaration
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是集合竞价申报 1 阶段 This breed is currently collective bidding to declare 1 stage
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是集合竞价申报 2 阶段 This breed is currently collective bidding to declare 2 stages
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是集合竞价暂停 This breed is currently a collective bidding is suspended
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是集合竞价撮合 This breed is currently a set of bidding matchmaking
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是连续交易暂停 The variety is currently a continuous trading suspension
大商所7.0 50037 该品种当前是收市 The variety is currently closing in trading
大商所7.0 50038 交易员不能撤强平单 Traders cannot withdraw strong flat orders
大商所7.0 50039 已经撤单 Has withdrawn the order
大商所7.0 50040 完全成交 Complete clinch a deal
大商所7.0 50041 委托单不存在 The commission sheet does not exist
大商所7.0 50042 此会员无结算帐号 This member does not have a settlement account number
大商所7.0 50043 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录 This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules
大商所7.0 50044 取不到固定保证金 Not getting a fixed margin
大商所7.0 50045 该市场状态当前是初始化后 The market status is currently after initialized
大商所7.0 50045 该市场状态已关闭 The market status is closed
大商所7.0 50045 该市场状态当前是暂停 The market status is currently suspended
大商所7.0 50046 结算账号禁止开仓 席位资金不足 Settlement accounts are prohibited to open positions
大商所7.0 50047 客户不存在 The customer does not exist
大商所7.0 50048 期权价格必须大于等于 TICK The option price must be greater than or equal to the TICK
大商所7.0 50049 期权止损价格必须大于等于 TICK Option stop-loss price must be greater than or equal to TICK
大商所7.0 50050 定单来源检查错误 Order source check error
大商所7.0 50051 期权组合保证金比例表无对应的组合记录 There is no corresponding portfolio record in the option portfolio margin ratio table
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是集合竞价申报 The contract is currently a collective bid declaration
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是集合竞价申报 1 阶段 The contract is currently a collective bidding declaration 1 stage
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是集合竞价申报 2 阶段 The contract is currently a collective bidding declaration of 2 stages
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是集合竞价暂停 The contract is currently suspended by collective bidding
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是连续交易暂停 The contract is currently a continuous trading suspension
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是初始化后 The contract is currently after being initialized
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是集合竞价撮合 The contract is currently a collective bidding match
大商所7.0 50052 该合约当前是收市 The contract is currently closing session
大商所7.0 50053 不能撤销手动或自动产生的强平单 You cannot revoke strong flat sheets generated manually or automatically
大商所7.0 50055 做市商标记错误 Market makers mark up with errors
大商所7.0 50056 双边报价指令要求两个单子 The bilateral quotation directive requires two orders
大商所7.0 50057 双边报价指令必须为限价委托 Bilateral quotation instructions must be price limit
大商所7.0 50058 双边报价指令定单属性必须同时为无或 GIS The bilateral quotation order ordering attribute must also be no or GIS
大商所7.0 50059 双边报价指令两条腿必须都是做市商 Both legs must be market makers
大商所7.0 50060 双边报价指令两腿委托数量相等 Bilateral quotation instructions to entrust equal quantities on two legs
大商所7.0 50061 双边报价指令两腿合约不相同 Bilateral quotation orders are different
大商所7.0 50062 双边报价指令两腿必须一买一卖 Bilateral quotation instructions for two legs must be bought and sold
大商所7.0 50063 合约已经停牌 The contract has been suspended
大商所7.0 50064 期权必须是投机 Options must be speculative
大商所7.0 50065 只有做市商可以下双边报价指令 Only market makers can make bilateral quotation orders
大商所7.0 50066 双边报价指令两腿定单类别必须为双边定 单 Bilateral quotation instruction two-leg order category must be bilateral order
大商所7.0 50067 只允许一个撤单域 Only one withdrawal domain is allowed
大商所7.0 50068 批量定单两腿客户号不一致 Batch order two legs customer number is inconsistent
大商所7.0 50069 此套利合约不支持互换定单 This arbitrage contract does not support swap orders
大商所7.0 50070 品种交易状态不存在 Variety trading status does not exist
大商所7.0 50071 套利各腿合约交易状态不一致 Arbitrage each leg contract trading status is not consistent
大商所7.0 50072 双边报价指令两腿客户号不一致 Bilateral quotation instruction two legs customer number is inconsistent
大商所7.0 50073 双边报价指令卖价必须大于买价 The selling price of the bilateral quotation order must be greater than the purchase price
大商所7.0 50074 无品种指令权限 No variety instruction authority
大商所7.0 50075 该品种不支持双边报价定单 This variety does not support bilateral quotation orders
大商所7.0 50076 该品种只支持做市商下双边报价定单 The variety only supports market makers
大商所7.0 50077 做市商在该品种无双边报价权限 Market makers do not have bilateral quotation authority in the variety
大商所7.0 50078 双边报价定单两腿定单类别不一致 Bilateral quotation ordering two-leg ordering category is inconsistent
大商所7.0 50079 该品种不支持市价单 This variety does not support market price orders
大商所7.0 50080 双边定单两腿投保标志不一致 Bilateral order two legs insurance sign is inconsistent
大商所7.0 50081 该客户在该品种交易类型上没有套保资格 The customer is not qualified for hedging on the type of transaction
大商所7.0 50082 该客户在该品种交易类型上不能投机开仓 The customer can not speculate in the type of trading
大商所7.0 50083 该实控组该合约不可交易 The actual control group this contract can not be traded
大商所7.0 50084 该实控组该合约只可平仓 The actual control group of the contract can only be closed
大商所7.0 50085 本地报单号重复 Repeat the local report number
大商所7.0 50086 做市商保护期间不允许报单 Market makers are not allowed to report documents during their protection period
大商所7.0 50087 批量指令使用频率限制期间不允许报单 Reporting is not allowed during the batch instruction use frequency limit
大商所7.0 50088 做市商取消冻结失败,当前为非冻结状态 The market maker failed to cancel the freeze and is currently non-frozen
大商所7.0 50089 重复触发批量双边报价使用频率限制 Repeated trigger batch bilateral quotation use frequency limit
大商所7.0 50090 做市商频率限制状态错误 Market maker frequency limit status error
大商所7.0 50091 做市商保护冻结失败,重复触发冻结 Market makers fail to protect the freeze, repeatedly triggering the freeze
大商所7.0 50092 当前交易状态不允许触发做市商保护冻结 The current trading state does not allow you to trigger a market maker protection freeze
大商所7.0 50094 批量双边单必须对同一品种或交易类型操 作 Bulk bilateral orders must be operated on the same variety or transaction type
大商所7.0 50095 批量双边报价动作指令错误 Batch bilateral quotation action instruction error
大商所7.0 50096 批量双边报价不支持单边报入 Batch bilateral quotation does not support unilateral entry
大商所7.0 50097 会员风控账户号不存在 The member risk control account number does not exist
大商所7.0 50098 可用额度不正确 The available amount is incorrect
大商所7.0 50099 该风控账户该合约不可交易 The risk control account The contract is not traded
大商所7.0 50100 该风控账户该合约只可平仓 The risk control account, the contract can only be closed
大商所7.0 50101 批量双边定单合约号重复 Batch bilateral order contract number is repeated
大商所7.0 50102 批量双边报价两腿操作不能都是无 Batch bilateral quotation two leg operation can not be no
大商所7.0 50103 该品种不存在 The breed does not exist
大商所7.0 50104 无品种 GIS 权限 No variety of GIS permission
大商所7.0 50105 做市商在该品种无批量双边报价权限 Market makers have no batch bilateral quotation authority in this variety
大商所7.0 50106 无一键撤单权限 No one-key withdrawal rights
大商所7.0 50107 系统未设置带保护市价单参数 The system has not set with protection market order parameter
大商所7.0 50108 价格保护范围不在合理限制内 The price protection scope is not within the reasonable limits
大商所7.0 50109 批量双边报价域的对数不在合理范围 The logarithm of the batch bilateral quotation domain is not in the reasonable range
大商所7.0 50110 批量双边报价域最大个数不存在 The maximum number of batch bilateral quotation fields does not exist
大商所7.0 50111 UDS 合约不存在 The UDS contract does not exist
大商所7.0 50112 UDS 合约行情不存在 The UDS contract market does not exist
大商所7.0 50113 定单类别与合约不符 The order category does not consistent with the contract
大商所7.0 50119 此类定单不允许修改 Such orders are not allowed for modification
大商所7.0 50120 已超过最大修改次数 Maximum modification number has been exceeded
大商所7.0 50124 该品种不支持批量双边报价定单 This variety does not support bulk bilateral quotation orders
大商所7.0 50125 批量双边指令卖价必须大于买价 The volume order price must be greater than the purchase price
大商所7.0 50126 该品种只支持做市商下批量双边报价定单 The variety only supports market makers under the batch of bilateral quotation orders
大商所7.0 50127 UDS 各腿合约交易状态不一致 UDS each leg contract trading status is not consistent
大商所7.0 50128 交易编码检查不通过 Transaction code check failed
大商所7.0 50129 下单数量超过交易指令的最大最小手数 The number of orders exceeds the maximum minimum number of transaction orders
大商所7.0 50130 本地报单号超过最大值 Local order number exceeds the maximum value
大商所7.0 50131 期权套保业务未开启 Option hedging business is not open
大商所7.0 50132 客户检查错误 Customer check error
大商所7.0 60001 结算帐号对应的交易资金不存在 The transaction funds corresponding to the settlement account do not exist
大商所7.0 60002 套利合约不存在 Arbitrage contract does not exist
大商所7.0 60003 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录 This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules
大商所7.0 60004 委托表没有系统号对应的记录 The delegate table has no record corresponding to the system number
大商所7.0 60005 委托单不存在 The commission sheet does not exist
大商所7.0 60006 合约行情不存在 The contract market does not exist
大商所7.0 60007 成交批次号对应的持仓明细不存在 Transaction batch number corresponding to the position position details do not exist
大商所7.0 60008 席位不存在 The seat does not exist
大商所7.0 60009 席位会员关系不正确 Place membership is incorrect
大商所7.0 60010 席位密码不正确 The seat password is incorrect
大商所7.0 60011 席位已经登录 The seats have been logged in
大商所7.0 60012 席位已经登出 The seats have been listed
大商所7.0 60013 席位没有登录 The seats are not logged in
大商所7.0 60014 控制模式改变失败 Control mode change failed
大商所7.0 60015 市场状态改变失败 Market state change failed
大商所7.0 60016 用户不存在 The user does not exist
大商所7.0 60017 用户密码不正确 The user password is incorrect
大商所7.0 60018 用户已经登录 The user has logged in
大商所7.0 60019 用户已经登出 Users have logged out
大商所7.0 60020 用户没有登录 The user did not log in
大商所7.0 60021 不允许从当前状态直接转变到目的状态 A direct transition from the current state to the destination state is not allowed
大商所7.0 60022 非超级登录不能禁用 CA Non-Super Logon cannot disable CA
大商所7.0 60023 新密码长度不满足要求 The new password length does not meet the requirements
大商所7.0 60024 密码修改的差异度不够 The difference in the password modification is not sufficient
大商所7.0 60025 票号对应的资金已经正常入库 The fund corresponding to the ticket number has been stored normally
大商所7.0 60026 出金资金不够 Money is not enough
大商所7.0 60027 场上不允许出金 No gold is allowed on the court
大商所7.0 60028 发送数据包失败 Sending a packet has failed
大商所7.0 60029 查无记录 Check no record
大商所7.0 60030 初次登录修改初始密码,否下次不能登录 First login changes the initial password, no next time
大商所7.0 60031 初次登录没有修改初始密码,席位被冻结 Initial login without no initial password and the seat is frozen
大商所7.0 60032 席位被冻结 The seats were frozen
大商所7.0 60033 密码有效参数不存在 Password valid parameter does not exist
大商所7.0 60034 登录失败有效参数不存在 Logon failed a valid parameter does not exist
大商所7.0 60035 登录密码过期,联系系统管理员重置密码 Login password expired, contact the system administrator to reset the password
大商所7.0 60036 结算账户表中不存在对应的结算账户 There is no corresponding settlement account in the settlement account table
大商所7.0 60037 结算准备金最低余额表不存在相应的记录 There is no corresponding record in the minimum balance statement of the settlement reserve
大商所7.0 60038 期权执行申请失败 Option execution application failed
大商所7.0 60039 期权执行申请单不存在 The option execution application form does not exist
大商所7.0 60040 用户已经存在 Users already exist
大商所7.0 60041 合约交易权限已经存在 Contract transaction privileges already exist
大商所7.0 60042 合约交易权限不存在 Contract trading authority does not exist
大商所7.0 60043 席位交易权限已经存在 Seat trading authority already exists
大商所7.0 60044 席位交易权限不存在 Seat trading authority does not exist
大商所7.0 60045 客户交易权限已经存在 Customer transaction permissions already exist
大商所7.0 60046 客户交易权限不存在 Customer transaction permissions do not exist
大商所7.0 60047 交易权限不正确 Incorrect transaction rights
大商所7.0 60048 密码到期提示时间不存在 Password expiration prompt time does not exist
大商所7.0 60050 操作类型错误 Operation type error
大商所7.0 60051 交易所代码对应的交易所不存在 The exchange corresponding to the exchange code does not exist
大商所7.0 60052 没有客户持仓 There is no customer position
大商所7.0 60053 客户不存在 The customer does not exist
大商所7.0 60054 不需要资金不够强平 You don't need the money to be strong enough
大商所7.0 60055 系统未处暂停状态,不能手动生成强平单 The system is not in a pause state, and the strong flat sheet cannot be generated manually
大商所7.0 60056 本日已做过生成强平处理,是否再次生成 This day has done the generation of strong flat processing, whether to generate again
大商所7.0 60057 本日还没强平 This day has not been strong
大商所7.0 60058 同一个交易日不允许倒着时间切换状态 The reverse time switch of state is not allowed on the same trading day
大商所7.0 60060 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
大商所7.0 60061 客户优惠组合持仓表无相应记录 There is no corresponding record in the customer preferential portfolio position table
大商所7.0 60062 客户套利持仓表无相应记录 There is no corresponding record in the customer arbitrage position table
大商所7.0 60063 组合优惠表不存在组合合约 There is no portfolio contract in the portfolio discount table
大商所7.0 60064 优惠组合比例表不存在组合合约 There is no portfolio contract in the preferential portfolio ratio table
大商所7.0 60065 行情席位不允许在交易后台修改密码 Market seats are not allowed to change the password in the trading background
大商所7.0 60066 当前是自动模式 Current is automatic mode
大商所7.0 60067 没有境外客户组限仓 No overseas customer group limited warehouse
大商所7.0 60068 交易席位不允许在行情服务修改密码 Trading seats are not allowed to change the password in the market service
大商所7.0 60072 初次登录没有修改初始密码,席位被冻结 Initial login without no initial password and the seat is frozen
大商所7.0 60073 用户被冻结 The user is frozen
大商所7.0 60076 IP 地址不正确 Improper IP address
大商所7.0 60077 资金不够 Money is not enough
大商所7.0 60078 席位信用额度不够 Insufficient credit limit for seats
大商所7.0 60079 交易编码无交易保证金 Transaction code has no trading margin
大商所7.0 60080 数量不合理 The quantity is not reasonable
大商所7.0 60081 系统处于夜盘暂停,不能手动生成强平单 The system is in the night disk pause and cannot be generated manually
大商所7.0 60082 踢除所有席位失败 Faick all seats
大商所7.0 60083 定单类别不是期权执行申请 The Order category is not an option execution application
大商所7.0 60084 组合状态必须是组合或解锁 The combination state must be combined or unlocked
大商所7.0 60085 优惠组合持仓量不足 Preferential portfolio holdings are insufficient
大商所7.0 60086 组合合约两腿所属品种的交易状态不一致 The trading status of the two legs of the combination contract is not consistent
大商所7.0 60087 单腿持仓不足 Single leg position is insufficient
大商所7.0 60088 只允许一个数据域 Only one data domain is allowed
大商所7.0 60089 超出预留范围 Beyond the reserved range
大商所7.0 60090 实控组权限已经存在 Actual control group permission already exists
大商所7.0 60091 实控组权限不存在 Actual control group permission does not exist
大商所7.0 60092 会员持仓不存在 Member positions do not exist
大商所7.0 60093 单腿持仓记录不存在 One-leg holding record does not exist
大商所7.0 60094 批次号记录不存在 The lot number record does not exist
大商所7.0 60095 可用风控账户组额度不足 The available risk control account group amount is insufficient
大商所7.0 60096 分会员检查不通过 Sub-member inspection failed
大商所7.0 60097 撮合返回成交号顺序有错误 There is an error in the order of matching returning the transaction number
大商所7.0 60098 会员对应的风控账户额度不存在 The corresponding risk control account quota of the members does not exist
大商所7.0 60099 改单价格或数量均未发生变化 The price or quantity of the change order has not changed
大商所7.0 60100 修改数量小于等于已成交数量 The number of modifications is less than or equal to the number of transactions made
大商所7.0 60101 不能修改强平单 Strong sheets cannot be modified
大商所7.0 60104 风控账户组权限已经存在 Risk control account group authority already exists
大商所7.0 60105 风控账户组权限不存在 Risk control account group authority does not exist
大商所7.0 60106 批量双边报价所有子域全部错误 Batch bilateral quote all subfields all error
大商所7.0 60107 风控账户组额度不存在 The risk control account group limit does not exist
大商所7.0 60108 不能修改强平修改的委托 The delegation of Qiangmodification cannot be modified
大商所7.0 60070 品种控制模式改变失败 Variety control pattern change failed
大商所7.0 60071 品种控制模式错误 Variety control mode error
大商所7.0 61001 合约状态不存在 Contract status does not exist
大商所7.0 61002 市场状态不存在 The market state does not exist
大商所7.0 61003 熔断合约状态不存在 The circuit breaker contract status does not exist
大商所7.0 61004 品种状态改变失败 Variety state change failed
大商所7.0 61005 合约状态改变失败 Contract status change failed
大商所7.0 61006 风控账户额度修改值无效 The modified value of the risk control account amount is invalid
大商所7.0 61007 品种状态查询失败 Variety status query failed
大商所7.0 61008 品种状态不存在 The breed status does not exist
大商所7.0 61010 品种不支持开放式集合竞价 Variety does not support open collection bidding
大商所7.0 61011 当前标的期货状态为暂停不允许此操作 The current underlying futures status is suspended and does not allow this operation
大商所7.0 61012 新密码不存在数字 No number exists for the new password
大商所7.0 61013 新密码不存在英文字符 The new password does not have English characters
大商所7.0 61014 新密码不存在大写字母 No capitals exist in the new password
大商所7.0 61015 新密码不存在特殊字符 The new password does not have special characters
大商所7.0 61016 品种控制模式查询失败 Variety control mode query failed
大商所7.0 61017 网关类型不正确 Incorrect gateway type
大商所7.0 61018 正在进行强平处理 Strong leveling processing is in progress
大商所7.0 61019 不能修改强平单顺序 Strong sheet order cannot be modified
大商所7.0 61020 正在生成强平单 Generating strong sheet
大商所7.0 61021 非交易日品种 Non-trading day varieties
大商所7.0 61025 席位登录超出频率限制 Seat login exceeds the frequency limit
大商所7.0 61026 当前标的期货状态为初始化后不允许此操作 This operation is not allowed when the current underlying futures status is initialized
大商所7.0 61028 规则生成强平单已经报入,不允许再次强平 Rule generation strong flat sheet has been reported, do not allow strong flat again
大商所7.0 61029 申请已经存在,不允许再次申请 The application already exists, and a re-application is not allowed
大商所7.0 61030 申请不存在,不允许复核 The application does not exist, and the review is not allowed
大商所7.0 61031 复核已经存在,不允许再次复核 The reexamination already exists, and the reexamination is not allowed
大商所7.0 61032 复核请求参数不正确 Review request parameter is incorrect
大商所7.0 61033 不允许使用相同用户进行复核 The same user is not allowed for a review
大商所7.0 61034 当前交易日已强平过,无法再次自动强平 The current trading day has been strong flat, can not automatically strong flat again
大商所7.0 61035 未满足所有合约处于交易暂停条件 All contracts are not met
大商所7.0 61036 其他原因 Other reasons
大商所7.0 61037 正在生成强平单,不允许再次强平 Generating strong flat sheet, not allowed again
大商所7.0 70001 发送数据包失败 Sending a packet has failed
大商所7.0 70002 查无记录 Check no record
大商所7.0 70003 套利策略规则表里不存在此记录 This record does not exist in the table of arbitrage strategy rules
大商所7.0 70004 结算帐号对应的交易资金不存在 The transaction funds corresponding to the settlement account do not exist
大商所7.0 70006 查询开始序列号应小于结束序列号 The query start serial number should be less than the end serial number
大商所7.0 70007 查询序列号超过限制范围 The query serial number exceeds the limit
大商所7.0 70008 查询次数过多 Too many queries
大商所7.0 70009 没有做市商保护资格 There is no market-maker protection qualification
大商所7.0 70010 该品种全市场做市商保护服务未开启 The whole market market maker protection service is not opened
大商所7.0 70011 合约行情不存在 The contract market does not exist
大商所7.0 70012 此会员无结算帐号 This member does not have a settlement account number
大商所7.0 70013 合约状态不存在 Contract status does not exist
大商所7.0 70014 UDS 合约交易申请报入量超过上限 UDS contract transaction applications exceed the upper limit
大商所7.0 70015 当前市场状态未开启 The current market state is not open
大商所7.0 70016 会员客户检查不通过 Member customer failed the check
大商所7.0 70017 套利策略不存在 Arbitrage strategy does not exist
大商所7.0 70018 UDS 策略内各腿合约号不可为空 No empty leg contract number in the UDS policy
大商所7.0 70019 UDS 策略不允许为期货套利策略 The UDS strategy is not allowed for the futures arbitrage strategy
大商所7.0 70020 合约不存在 The contract does not exist
大商所7.0 70021 UDS 申请的腿数超过策略支持的腿数 The UDS applies for more legs than the policy-supported legs
大商所7.0 70022 重复的 UDS 合约交易申请 Duplicate UDS contract transaction application
大商所7.0 80001 会员是自营 Members are self-employed
大商所7.0 80002 开仓超过会员自营限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member self-run limited warehouse
大商所7.0 80003 会员是经纪 Members are brokers
大商所7.0 80004 开仓超过会员代理限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member agent limited warehouse
大商所7.0 80005 开仓超过会员综合限仓 Open warehouse exceeds the member comprehensive warehouse limit
大商所7.0 80006 开仓数量超过客户限制 The number of open positions exceeds the customer limit
大商所7.0 80007 平仓数量超过可平数量 The amount of liquidation exceeds the amount of liquidation
大商所7.0 80008 客户无持仓 The customer has no position
大商所7.0 80009 客户剩余保值额度不足 The remaining warranty amount of customers is insufficient
大商所7.0 80010 客户没有保值额度 The customer has no amount of value preservation
大商所7.0 80011 保值额度不能为负数 The amount of value of preservation cannot be negative
大商所7.0 80012 流水号重复,本次修改操作已执行 The serial number is repeated. This modification operation has been performed
大商所7.0 80013 无此客户保值额度信息,操作失败 Without this customer value preservation limit information, the operation fails
大商所7.0 80014 客户有未成交套保委托,套保额度不能删除 Customers have not clinched a deal hedging entrusted, hedging amount can not be deleted
大商所7.0 80015 无此操作类型 There is no type of operation
大商所7.0 80016 该客户有剩余额度,套保额度不能审批 The customer has the remaining amount, and the hedging amount cannot be approved
大商所7.0 80017 客户有未成交套保委托,套保额度不能审批 The customer has no transaction hedging authorization, the hedging amount can not be approved
大商所7.0 80018 剩余保值额度为 0,不能删除 The remaining amount of maintenance value is 0, and it cannot be deleted
大商所7.0 80021 会员超仓,不可开仓 Members exceed the warehouse, can not open the warehouse
大商所7.0 80022 个人客户不能在交割月的合约上开投机仓 Individual customers cannot open speculative positions on the delivery month contract
大商所7.0 80023 开仓数量超过实控组投机限制 The number of open positions exceeds the actual control group speculation limit
大商所7.0 80024 开仓数量超过实控组套保限制 The number of open positions exceeds the hedging limit of the actual control group
大商所7.0 80025 开仓数量超过实控组综合限制 The number of open positions exceeds the comprehensive limit of the actual control group
大商所7.0 80026 无此实控关系账户 No such actual control relationship account
大商所7.0 80027 开仓超过当日客户在合约/系列上开仓限额 Opening opening exceeds the contract / series on the day
大商所7.0 80028 开仓超过当日客户在品种上开仓限额 The opening limit exceeds the customer on the variety
大商所7.0 80029 开仓超过当日实控组在合约/系列上开仓限 额 The opening position exceeds the opening position limit of the actual control group on the contract / series
大商所7.0 80030 开仓超过当日实控组在品种上开仓限额 Open warehouse exceeds the day of the actual control group in the variety of open warehouse limit
大商所7.0 80031 开仓数量超过境外客户组综合限制 The number of open positions exceeds the comprehensive limit of the overseas customer group
大商所7.0 80032 无此境外客户组 No such overseas customer group
大商所7.0 80033 开仓数量超过客户合并限仓 The number of open positions exceeds the customer merger limit positions
大商所7.0 80034 开仓数量超过实控组合并限仓投机限制 The number of open positions exceeds the actual control portfolio and limit positions and speculative restrictions
大商所7.0 80035 开仓数量超过实控组合并限仓套保限制 The number of open positions exceeds the actual control combination and limited warehouse hedging limit
大商所7.0 80036 开仓数量超过实控组合并限仓综合限制 The number of open positions exceeds the actual control combination and the comprehensive position limit
大商所7.0 80037 合约不存在 The contract does not exist
大商所7.0 80038 合约对应交割月错误 The contract corresponds to the delivery month error
大商所7.0 80039 品种限仓模式错误 Variety warehouse restriction mode is wrong
大商所7.0 81001 本撮合主机不支持该合约 This matchmaking host does not support the contract
大商所7.0 81002 基本定单不允许多个定单 Basic orders do not allow multiple orders
大商所7.0 81003 无此会员 No member
大商所7.0 81004 无此客户 No such customer
大商所7.0 81005 本交易状态不接受该类定单 This transaction status does not accept such orders
大商所7.0 81006 本交易状态不允许撤销定单 The transaction status does not allow for order cancellation
大商所7.0 81007 交易状态错误,暂停服务 Transaction status error, suspended service
大商所7.0 81008 本地报单号重复 Repeat the local report number
大商所7.0 81009 套利定单非法 Arbitrage order is illegal
大商所7.0 81010 强平单数量非法 The number of strong flat orders is illegal
大商所7.0 81011 非法报文 Illegal message
大商所7.0 81012 本撮合组本交易状态下,不允许撤销定单 In the state of this transaction, it is not allowed to cancel the order
大商所7.0 81013 该交易编码不是做市商 The transaction code is not a market maker
大商所7.0 81014 批量撤单请求,没有需要撤的定单 Batch withdrawal request, no order to withdraw
大商所7.0 81015 本撮合组批量撤单结束 The matchmaking group batch withdrawal order ended
大商所7.0 81016 合约当前无最优价 There is no best price for the contract
大商所7.0 82001 定单状态已为撤销 Order status is revoked
大商所7.0 82002 定单被系统撤销 Orders are revoked by the system
大商所7.0 82003 无此撤销定单 No such cancellation order
大商所7.0 82004 修改定单无效 The modification order is invalid
大商所7.0 82005 修改定单数量非法 Illegal to modify the number of orders
大商所7.0 82006 修改定单价格失败,卖价需大于买价 If modifying the order price fails, the selling price should be greater than the purchase price
大商所7.0 89990 初始化数据错误 Error in the initialization of the data
大商所7.0 89996 内存数据库剩余空间不足 Insufficient remaining space in the memory database
大商所7.0 89997 系统运行超出设计范围 The system runs outside the design scope
大商所7.0 89998 业务数据出错 Business data error
大商所7.0 89999 内存数据库出错 Memory database error
大商所7.0 90000 行情订阅请求席位不存在 Market subscription request seats do not exist
大商所7.0 90001 行情订阅请求参数不正确 Market subscription request parameters are incorrect
大商所7.0 90002 席位没有行情订阅权限 Seats have no market subscription rights
大商所7.0 90067 此席位类型不是 Level2 行情席位 This seat type is not a Level2 market seat
大商所7.0 100000 无应答 no-reply
大商所7.0 100001 请求数据错误 Request data error
大商所7.0 100002 没有定义的功能 There is no defined functionality for this one
大商所7.0 100003 无后续结果 There were no follow-up results
大商所7.0 100004 转发失败 The forwarding failed
大商所7.0 100005 接收失败 take defeat
大商所7.0 100006 应答数据错误 Error in response data
大商所7.0 100008 回应失败 Response failure
大商所7.0 100009 FTCP 域丢失 The FTCP domain is lost
大商所7.0 100010 系统级错误 System-level error
大商所7.0 100011 CA 认证错误 CA authentication error
大商所7.0 100020 90000-90020 系统错误占用 90000-90020 System error occupancy
大商所7.0 120000 做市商保护资格检查不通过 Market makers fail their protection qualification checks
大商所7.0 120001 参数设置未变化 Parameter settings are unchanged
大商所7.0 120002 做市商取消冻结失败,当前为非冻结状态 The market maker failed to cancel the freeze and is currently non-frozen
大商所7.0 120003 做市商操作指令不存在 The market maker operation orders do not exist
大商所7.0 120004 启用成交/delta 量保护必须填写是/否 Enable transaction / delta, volume protection must be yes / no
大商所7.0 120005 该品种保护服务未开启 The variety protection service has not been opened
大商所7.0 120006 交易所成交量保护服务未开启 Exchange trading volume protection service is not open
大商所7.0 120007 交易所 delta 量保护服务未开启 The exchange delta volume protection service is not open
大商所7.0 120008 成交量保护阈值下限检查不通过 Volume protection threshold lower limit check fails
大商所7.0 120009 delta 量保护阈值下限检查不通过 The delta protection threshold failed
大商所7.0 120010 冻结时间片范围检查不通过 Freeze time slice range check failed
大商所7.0 120011 全市场未开启,不允许报入指令 The whole market is not opened, not allowed
大商所7.0 111001 合约不是询价应价合约 The contract is not an inquiry price contract
大商所7.0 111002 不满足询价间隔 The inquiry interval is not met
大商所7.0 111003 此 RFQ 已处理过 This RFQ has already been processed
大商所7.0 111004 场上有合理报价,不能询价 There is a reasonable quotation on the site, and you can not make an inquiry
大商所7.0 111005 合约交易状态不对,不可询价 Contract transaction status is not right, can not inquiry
大商所7.0 111006 本合约做市商不能自询价 The market maker in this contract cannot inquire from himself
大商所7.0 111007 交易系统当前不允许询价 Inquiry is not currently allowed in the trading system
大商所7.0 101009 期权或标的期货合约达到停板价格不允许 询价 Option or the underlying futures contract to reach the stop board price does not allow the inquiry
大商所7.0 111010 该时间段不允许询价 Inquiry is not allowed during this time period
大商所7.0 111011 合约交易权限检查,合约不可询价 Contract trading authority check, the contract can not be inquiry
大商所7.0 111012 当前询价次数检查不通过 The current inquiry times fails
大商所7.0 140010 写入流水文件失败 Failed to write the flow file
大商所7.0 140011 读取流水文件失败 Reading the flow file failed
大商所7.0 150000 请求的网关类型不存在 The requested gateway type does not exist
大商所7.0 150001 非管理 API 无法发出管理请求 The non-administrative API cannot issue an administrative request
大商所7.0 150002 处理查询网关请求时未找到 IP The IP was not found while processing the query gateway request
大商所7.0 150003 查询请求中 IP 不合法 The IP in the query request is illegal
大商所7.0 160000 输入数据范围不合法 The put data range is illegal


系统 错误码 错误信息 补充说明 Error message Reasons for error
郑商所六期 10001 失败 failed
郑商所六期 10040 不能从该前置登录系统,请求私有流数量过多 Unable to log in the system from this front, too many private stream data requests
郑商所六期 10150 指定会员委托单撤销成功 The order for designated member was cancelled successfully
郑商所六期 10215 出错: 不可以参与指定品种的交易 Error: No trading authority for specified product
郑商所六期 10236 出错: 贵公司持仓已经超过交易所规定最大持仓限制 Error: Your position has exceeded the maximum position limit set by the exchange
郑商所六期 10237 出错: 客户持仓超限 Error: The customer is position exceeds the limit
郑商所六期 10251 出错: 现在是协议平仓时间,您的公司不在协议平仓之列 Error: It is time of negotiatory liquidation and your company is not included
郑商所六期 10254 出错: 没有查询到对应记录 Error: Record was not found
郑商所六期 10255 出错: 请求数量错误 Error: Request quantity out of limit
郑商所六期 10256 出错: 目前不支持这样的组合确认方式 Error: Combination confirmation method unsupport
郑商所六期 10258 出错:期权放弃必须在期权最后交易日 Error: Request date is wrong
郑商所六期 10259 出错: 没有指定的报价请求 Error: No crosspanding request for the quote response
郑商所六期 10261 出错:没有该合约的做市商 Error: There is no market maker in this instrument
郑商所六期 10262 出错:交易员挂起 Error: Trader has been suspended
郑商所六期 10263 出错:不是指定合约的做市商 Error: Not market maker for the commodity
郑商所六期 10264 出错:报价响应价格中买卖价格错误 Error: Illegal price in the quote response
郑商所六期 10265 出错:请求数量超过实际允许数量 Error: Order quantity exceed limit
郑商所六期 10266 出错:出错: 请求合约存在有效报价请求 Error: Valid quote request already exists
郑商所六期 10301 出错:组合定单方式不正确 Error: Incorrect type of combination order
郑商所六期 10302 出错:组合定单限制方式不正确 Error: Incorrect restriction type(time or match condition) of combination order
郑商所六期 10303 出错:没有这样的组合方式 Error: No such combination
郑商所六期 10304 出错:SPD 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect SPD combination order
郑商所六期 10305 出错:IPS 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect IPS combination order
郑商所六期 10306 出错:BUL 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect BUL combination order
郑商所六期 10307 出错:BER 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect BER combination order
郑商所六期 10308 出错:BLT 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect BLT combination order
郑商所六期 10309 出错:BRT 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect BRT combination order
郑商所六期 10310 出错:STD 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect STD combination order
郑商所六期 10311 出错:STG 组合定单错误 Error: Incorrect STG combination order
郑商所六期 10312 出错: 限价单价格不能为 0 或负数 Error: Limit order price cannot be 0 or negative
郑商所六期 10313 出错:止损定单价格不能是可成交的价格 Error: stop-loss order price should not be tradable
郑商所六期 10314 出错: 市价单价格必须是 0 Error: Market order price must be 0
郑商所六期 10315 出错:系统内存表已满 Error: System memory table is full
郑商所六期 10316 出错:该客户没有在你公司处登记 Error: The customer is not registered with your company
郑商所六期 10317 出错:该客户目前不可以进行交易 Error: Customer can not trade now
郑商所六期 10318 出错:指定的交易品种不进行开盘竟价 Error: Designated trading product do not open for bid
郑商所六期 10319 出错:委托定单限制域不正确 Error: Incorrect restriction domain of the order
郑商所六期 10320 出错:定单类型不正确 Error: Order type is wrong
郑商所六期 10321 出错:定单有效日期不正确 Error: Incorrect order expiry date
郑商所六期 10322 出错:套期保值标志不正确 Error: Incorrect hedging type
郑商所六期 10323 出错:会员没有相应的买卖权限 Error: The Member does not have the right to buy or sell
郑商所六期 10324 出错:该客户没有相应的买卖权限 Error: The customer does not have the right to buy or sell
郑商所六期 10327 出错:委托单修改定义错误 Error: Incorrect action type
郑商所六期 10329 出错:委托定单价格超过停板 Error: Order price exceeds limit up or limit down
郑商所六期 10330 出错:报单请求数超过最大值 Error: The volume of a request for quote exceeds the maximum volume
郑商所六期 10341 出错:集合竟价期间不允许的订单类型 Error: Combination order or FOK/IOC order not allowed in call auction
郑商所六期 10342 出错:不支持期货 FOK 定单 Error: Not support FOK future order
郑商所六期 10354 出错:不支持无限制期权组合定单 Error: Unlimited option combination orders are not supported
郑商所六期 10364 出错:目前不允许长期有效定单 Error: Good till cancelled(GTC) orders are not allowed at present
郑商所六期 10410 出错:单方无报价时不接受期货组合定单 Error: Futures combination orders will not be accepted without quotation
郑商所六期 10602 出错:现在不是交易时间 Error: Non-trading time
郑商所六期 10604 出错: 非法交易商品代码 Error: Illegally traded commodity code
郑商所六期 10608 出错: 非法会员公司代码 Error: Illegal member company code
郑商所六期 10610 出错: 非法交易员代码 Error: Illegal Trader code
郑商所六期 10635 出错: 现在不能输入市价委托单 Error: Cannot enter market price order at present
郑商所六期 10638 出错: 委托单价格不是最小变动价位整数倍 Error: The order price is not an integer multiple of the tick size
郑商所六期 10640 出错: 非法买卖标志 Error: Illegal buy or sell type
郑商所六期 10641 出错: 指定商品现在不能进行交易 Error: Instrument status wrong
郑商所六期 10642 出错: 买卖数量不能为零或负数 Error: The buy or sell volume cannot be zero or negative
郑商所六期 10643 出错: 非法开平仓标志 Error: Illegal open or close type
郑商所六期 10644 出错: 请求数量不是整数倍 Error: Order quantity evenly divisible
郑商所六期 10645 出错: 请求合约不是期权 Error: Request contract is not an option
郑商所六期 10646 出错: 平仓数量超过持仓量 Error: Insufficient Position
郑商所六期 10647 出错: 闭市期权申请只能在最后交易日 Error: option apply after market closing allowed only in the last trade day
郑商所六期 10669 出错: 交易系统不能服务所发请求 Error: The trading system cannot service the request
郑商所六期 10670 出错: 没有访问权限 Error: No permission
郑商所六期 10672 出错: 你所属会员公司已被挂起 Error: Firm has been suspended
郑商所六期 10673 出错: 非法登录请求 Error: Illegal login request
郑商所六期 10674 出错: 交易员密码错误 Error: illegal password
郑商所六期 10675 出错: 你不能从该工作站登录系统 Error: The system cannot be logged in from this workstation
郑商所六期 10679 出错: 所撤委托单没有找到 Error: Can not find order
郑商所六期 10681 出错: 非法客户代码 Error: Illegal customer code
郑商所六期 10691 出错: 该会员公司保证金不足 Error: Insufficient deposite of the member company
郑商所六期 10700 出错: 委托数量不符合最小开仓数量限制 Error: The order quantity does not conform to the minimum open quantity limit
郑商所六期 10707 出错: 指定商品不在本交易节交易 Error: The Commodity not trade in current section
郑商所六期 10708 出错: 买卖数量超过限价单最大下单量限制 Error: The buy or sell volume exceeds the maximum volume of limit order
郑商所六期 10710 出错:该委托单已经撤销 Error: the order has been withdrawed
郑商所六期 10711 出错:该委托单已成交 Error: The order has been fulfilled
郑商所六期 10712 出错:该委托单为强行平仓单,不可撤销 Error: Forced closing order can not be withdrawed
郑商所六期 10750 出错:指定价格超过商品价幅波动上限 Error: Order price exceeds the higher limit of fluctuation of commodity price range
郑商所六期 10751 出错: 指定价格超过商品价幅波动下限 Error: Order price exceeds the lower limit of fluctuation of commodity price range
郑商所六期 10755 出错:自然人客户交割月不能开新仓 Error: Natural person client can not open a new position in the delivery month
郑商所六期 10790 出错:没有相应的保值申请,不能输入保值单 Error: There is no corresponding hedging application, can not enter hedging order
郑商所六期 10850 出错: 委托数量不符合下单基数限制 Error: The order quantity does not conform to the minimum change quantity
郑商所六期 10851 出错: 超过交易限额 Error: Customer exceeds trading limit
郑商所六期 10901 出错: 客户持仓超限 Error: Customer holding exceed limit
郑商所六期 12001 报文类型错误或不可识别 Message type error or unrecognized
郑商所六期 12002 报文正文类型错误或系统不支持 Message text type error or unsupported
郑商所六期 12003 报文完整性错误(报文实际正文长度不等于报头中正文长度) Message integrity error (the actual body length of the message is not equal to the length of the body in the header)
郑商所六期 12004 报文链代码错 The chain field of the message header is wrong
郑商所六期 12005 版本错误 Version error
郑商所六期 12006 域个数错误 Wrong number of data fields
郑商所六期 12007 数据流登录模式不正确 Incorrect login mode of data flow
郑商所六期 12009 最新本地委托单号必须大于已下成功本地委托单号 The latest local order number must be greater than the local order number of the successful order
郑商所六期 12010 没有新成交合约 No latest filled contract
郑商所六期 12021 参数有误 Wrong parameters
郑商所六期 12022 不在登录状态,不能发送数据 The data cannot be sent because the trader is not logged in
郑商所六期 12023 协商密钥验证失败 Key agreement verification failed
郑商所六期 12024 太过频繁的查询 Too frequent query
郑商所六期 12025 重复登录 Duplicate login
郑商所六期 12026 强制登出 Forced logout
郑商所六期 13001 还没有打开信道,不能登录 Can not login before connection opened
郑商所六期 13002 发送链路密钥协商请求失败 Send link key failed
郑商所六期 13003 链路密钥协商应答超时 Link negotiation timeout
郑商所六期 13004 发送登录请求失败 Failed to send login request
郑商所六期 13005 登录应答超时 Login response timeout
郑商所六期 13006 此数据流不在登录状态,不能退出登录 Can not logout before login
郑商所六期 13007 发送退出登录请求失败 Failed to send logout request
郑商所六期 13008 退出登录应答超时 Logout response timeout
郑商所六期 13009 不在登录状态,不能发送数据 The data cannot be sent because the trader is not logged in
郑商所六期 13010 FTD 报文出错 FTD message writebuf error
郑商所六期 13011 接收数据错误 Receiving data error
郑商所六期 13014 FTD 报文格式出现错误 FTD message format error
郑商所六期 13015 无法识别的数据包,可能是 API 版本过低 Unable to identify the request/response,maybe the API version is low
郑商所六期 13016 数据发送错误 Data sending error
郑商所六期 13017 发送心跳失败 Sending heartbeat failed
郑商所六期 13018 数据流标识错误 Data flow flag error
郑商所六期 13019 不能重复登录 Login again after logined
郑商所六期 13020 交易员编码不存在 UserID invalid when Login
郑商所六期 13021 交易员编码前后不一致 UserID is inconsistent with connectbyDNS
郑商所六期 14001 登录协议版本号错误 Login protocol version error
郑商所六期 14003 UDP 端口打开失败 UDP port failed to open
郑商所六期 14004 UDP 接收线程启动失败 UDP receiving thread failed to start
郑商所六期 13000 参数有误 Wrong parameters
郑商所六期 13022 协商密钥验证失败 API verify key error
郑商所六期 13023 还没链路协商 No link negotiation yet
郑商所六期 13024 数据包 PID 错误 Data packet PID error
郑商所六期 13025 数据包为空 Empty data packet
郑商所六期 13026 数据包关键内容有误 key field of the data packet is incorrect
郑商所六期 13027 回调中不能调用 Cannot be called in a callback function
郑商所六期 13028 太过频繁的查询 Too frequent queries
郑商所六期 13029 非法调用 Illegal call
郑商所六期 13035 连接交易所前置失败 Failed connection to the Exchange front
郑商所六期 13036 连接驱动线程启动失败 Connection driven thread create failed
郑商所六期 13037 数据包写缓冲失败 Data packet write buffer failed
郑商所六期 13051 协商密钥生成错误 Generation error of key